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Q: What year was air conditioners invented?
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Where was air conditioners invented?

When was Air Conditioners invented

Who invented portable air conditioners?


Why did they invent air conditioners?

they invented them to cool people down.

How was air conditioning invented?

What year did Frederic Jones invent the air conditioner?

First invented truck air conditioners for things such as meats.. This device was patented on Decemeber 14, 1943 Did have ideas for Air conditions but did not patent them.

What are the different types of home air conditioners that are available?

Different types of home air conditioners are: Central Air Conditioners Split System Air Conditioners Packaged Central air conditioners Portable air conditioners Ductless air conditioners and, Evaporation Coolers

What refrigerant do new home air conditioners use?

mainly chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs). The Air Conditioner that used it was invented by Thomas Midgley.

Soleus portable air conditioners?

Yes, Soleus carries portable air conditioners. Their prices of their portable air conditioners range from $299 to $1,000.

When were auto ac invented?

The Packard Motor Car Company was the first automobile manufacturer to build air conditioners into its cars, beginning in late 1939. However, the first production cars to have air conditioners were made in 1953.

What are the advantages of cabinet air conditioners?

Cabinet air conditioners produce clean air and don't allow outside air to enter inside them. All the air that flows through these air conditioners is filtered and compressed.

Are there any portable air conditioners that are energy star rated?

no there are no portable air conditioners.

What year where air conditioners in cars?

The first car with an actual refrigeration system was the 1940 model year Packard..........