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Q: What year was korea discovered?
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When was Korea discovered?

Your mom did.

Who is the famous explorer in Korea?

Korea was not discovered by other country like US. The first country, Go-Joseon(고조선) established in BC 2333. They traded with China and Japan very much, and I think some of foreigners who was in China went to Korea.

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mickey mouse year:1995

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yttrium was discovered in the year 1794.

How many aussies go to Korea each year?

8000 aussies go to Korea over past year

What do people in Korea wear in new year?

People in Korea wear Korea Tradional dresses called Hanbok.

What year did the 2 Korea's become separate?

Korea became 2 in 1948

What year was the Olympic's in south Korea?

The Olympics were held in South Korea in 1988.

What year did japan take Korea over?

Korea was annexed by Japan in 1910.

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In the year 1902. Dr. Still discovered ADHD.

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It was discovered in 1866.