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The year that Lacrosse was discovered is said to be 1100 AD. It wasn't until 1856 that the first lacrosse club was formed in Canada.

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Q: What year was lacrosse discovered?
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When was lacrosse discovered?

lacrosse was "invented" by native Americans to "practice" for battle this was used in war in the past.

Where was lacrosse discovered?

Lacrosse originated from the Native Americans, who used early forms of lacrosse sticks made from wood and animal hide pouches. It was a game played during times of war, and there were no boundaries. The games actually could go on for days, weeks or months.

Is lacrosse a sport you play all year round?

only is youre playing select lacrosse, therefore it may be indoor at times.....if you play a regular season lacrosse, it is not all year round

How was discovered lacrosse?

Indians started playing with stick branches and string, when they arrived in America

Should women be allowe to play mens lacrosse?

No that is what Women's lacrosse is for as a 5 year lacrosse player I do not suggest women play men's lacrosse. it's called men's lacrosse for a reason. Women's lacrosse isn't for men neither should men's be for women. Lacrosse is an extremely dangerous sport women should play with women.

What came first lacrose or hurling?

Lacrosse. Native americans played lacrosse since before Columbus discovered America

Who are well recognizide players in lacrosse?

Jake Bomberry from Six Nations, Ontario. A 15 year-old lacrosse phenom.

How many people die in lacrosse each year?

The number of deaths related to lacrosse is very low, with an average of less than one per year. Fatalities in lacrosse are extremely rare, especially when appropriate safety measures and rules are followed.

How many people start playing lacrosse each year?

how many people play lacrosse in the united states

How much do pro Lacrosse players earn?

A pro lacrosse player in the National Lacrosse League averages $14,000 US per year. Some may earn more due to star status or endorsements, but most players hold down "day" jobs and play pro lacrosse for the love of the game. No one gets rich playing lacrosse...yet.about now 1.1 million a year,

What year did the first European document a lacrosse game?

In 1963

What year did the US finally have a Men's Lacrosse team?