

What year was oxygen discovered?

Updated: 12/15/2022
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Q: What year was oxygen discovered?
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What ddate was oxygen discovered?

Joseph Priestley discovered oxygen in 1774.

How was oxygen discoverd?

Oxygen was discovered ub the year 2, a man and women were having sex and the women was giving him a BJ, the woman orgasmed then queefed thts how it was discovered btw the man breathed it in

How was oxygen was discovered?

Oxygen was discovered for the first time by a Swedish Chemist, Carl Wilhelm Scheele, in 1772. Joseph Priestly, an English chemist, independently, discovered oxygen in 1774 and published his findings the same year, three years before Scheele published. Antonie Lavoisier, a French chemist, also discovered oxygen in 1775, was the first to recognize it as an element, and coined its name "oxygen" - which comes from a Greek word that means "acid-former".

Where and when was oxygen discovered?

Oxygen was discovered by the very first species on planet Earth.

What country was oxygen discovered?

Oxygen was discovered in France by Antoine-Laurent de Lavoisier in 1778.

Who descoverd oxygen?

British scientist Joseph Priestley is credited for his discovery of oxygen. He lived from 1733 to 1804.

Which early chemist discovered and named oxygen?

Oxygen was first discovered by Swedish pharmacist Carl Wilhelm Scheele.

Who discovered oxygen first preisty or cavoiser?

neither, oxygen was discovered by carl Wilhelm scheele in Uppsala, in 1773

Why is there uncertainty about who really discovered oxygen?

because oxygen has been around for as long as there was sea life and when the first one came out of the sea they technically discovered oxygen

Who discovered that when hydrogen and oxygen reacts each other they make water?

google it and btw i discovered it lol i make like 5mill every year mhuahahhaha search my name on google

Where was oxygen found and when?

Oxygen was discovered for the first time by a Swedish Chemist, Carl Wilhelm Scheele, in 1772. Joseph Priestly, an English chemist, independently, discovered oxygen in 1774 and published his findings the same year, three years before Scheele published. Antoine Lavoisier, a French chemist, also discovered oxygen in 1775, was the first to recognize it as an element, and coined its name "oxygen" - which comes from a Greek word that means "acid-former". Where is was found? I do not know.

Who discovered nitrogen and oxygen?

Nitrogen as a seperate component of air was discovered by the Scottish physician Daniel Rutherford in 1772. Oxygen was discovered by an English scientist called Joseph Priestley in 1774