

What years did Hitler control France?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: What years did Hitler control France?
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for 12 years

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France and England fought the hundred years war because England wanted control of France.

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France controlled Mexico between 1862 and 1867.

Did the united States fight at France in World War 2?

Hitler had invaded France, so we fought over the control of France from Hitler. DDAY was a landing on a French beach. When the allies came into an area the French people were liberated from the German occupation.

Was France part of Hitler's Nazi army?

No, hitler fought france, come on dude seriously?

How did Hitler gain control of the rhineland?

In 1936, Hitler decided to take reoccupy the Rhineland. It was very risky as Germany still had a weak army. France had just signed an agreement with the USSR to protect each other against an attck from Germany. Hitler used this to claim that Germany was under threat and that he should be allowed to place troops on his own frontier. He moved his troops to the Rhineland . However, France did not act against this and Hitler took full control of the Rhineland.

What was characteristic of France under napoleons rule and Germany under Hitler rule?

Authoritarian control and a strong sense of nationalism prevailed.

What was France's role in World War 2?

They were enemies of Hitler until he turned his military against France at which point they promptly surrendered after their army was slaughtered. The French Resistance caused quite a bit of trouble for the Germans as Hitler attempted to maintain control.

What areas did Germany want to control?

Hitler wanted all of the world withing 30 years

Was France bluffed by Adolph Hitler?

No, France was not bluffed by Hitler. Hitler did not pretend to have greater military power than he actually had. His threats were based on actual capability.

What year did Hitler gain control of German government?

Hitler gained control in 1933