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I've never thought there was a particular year, but throughout history the end of the world has been predicted (it's been described as the greatest piece of vapourware ever!).

Going through a few:

Around 50AD; One of the earliest predictions was in The Bible which predicted the second coming of Jesus before the death of the last apostle.

992AD A scholar prophesied (the prophet died before 992AD)

999AD (essentially a nice round number since Jesus's birth).

1033AD (999 years since Jesus's death).

1186AD Astrological prediction.

1260AD Another scholar prediction.

1524AD Flood and apocalypse predicted for sure.

1532AD Various signs seen; interpreted as the apocalypse real soon.

1533AD Based on Revelations, for sure this year...

1624AD Turned out the 1524 prediction was 100 years late. This time.

1704AD Cardinal predicted end.

1736AD World flood predicted.

1881AD Somehow interpreting the Great Pyramid gets to 1881.

1936AD Another great Pyramid prediction.

Special mention to Jehovah's Witnesses who predicted the end of the world in 1874, 1914 and 1975.

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i don't think that the world will end until billions of years into the future there is a very small chance that it will. so don't worry about it

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