

What you can do to be a photographer?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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12y ago

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to become a pH you can take some pictures and send them out to a art gallery and see if they like your pictures then you will begin your dream

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Is this how you spell photographer?

Yes, photographer is the correct spelling of that word.Some example sentences are:We will hire a photographer for the wedding.The photographer is late.The school photographer always makes me look terrible in pictures.

What actors and actresses appeared in Star - 2008?

The cast of Star - 2008 includes: Antonia Beaumont as Girl Joanna Christie as Star Alex Gilletti as Press photographer Lizzie Harris as Press photographer Lisa Henshall as Press photographer Tina Kumar as Press photographer Rhys Lawton as Azreal Liz MacBeth as Press photographer Kathy McGovern as Press photographer Valerie Perasso as Press photographer Jayne Ralph as Press photographer Max Rijavec as Press photographer James Sheppard as Press photographer Venus Speedwell as Press photographer Anna Sulan Masing as Press photographer

Is it hard to be a photographer?

No it is not at all hard to be a photographer.

Who was the photographer in the the movie Braveheart?

There was no photographer in Braveheart.

Where could you work to be a photographer?

You can be a photographer anywhere. =]

What is the definition for photographer?

A photographer is one who takes pictures or photographs. A photographer can be a professional or a lay person.

Who is the best Washington DC event photographer?

Jessica Yurinko is the best dc event photographer, washington dc event photographer, dc wedding photographer.

Who is a person who takes pictures with a camera for a living?

A photographer. You're Welcome!

Who was the first Ethiopian photographer?

Who was the first photographer in Ethiopian

What does Mary McCartney do?

She is a Photographer and an Author. But she is mostly a Photographer.

How can I get photographer insurance?

Yes, photographer insurance is available. This involves the insurance of photographic equipment, essential for a photographer's living. Photographer insurance can be applied for at all major insurance brokers