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Q: What you know about the levels of structure in proteins propose an explanation of changes in albumin that occur during cooking?
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changing the neuron membrane structure, which changes the shape of receptor proteins

Are proteins also peptides?

PRoteins are formed as polypeptides from ribosomes. The polypeptide undergoes biophysical and chemical changes to get 2D and further 3D structure. So proteins in general, are polypeptides that are folded with cetrain stable conformation.

What happens to the shape of molecules in meat when they are cooked?

It '''denatures''' which basically means the heat changes the structure of proteins within the meat.

Why are the proteins affected by heat?

Proteins are very, very shape specific. There function depends on this shape. Heat changes the Kinetic energy of atoms, causing more motion and breaking of bonds. This changes the structure of the protein, which works like a snowball effect as more domains of the protein change. Without the proper structure, the protein may be useless.

The white of a raw egg is clear It contains the protein egg albumin When the egg is cooked the albumin changes from clear to opaque producing the white What is happening at the molecular l?


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How do heavy metals act as a denaturing agent for proteins?

Denaturation is characterized by nucleic acids or proteins losing their secondary and tertiary structure due to an external compound or stress application. Inorganic acid interferes with the amino acid bonds that make up a protein's tertiary structure. This changes the protein's shape as part of the denaturation process.

What happens to albumin strands in an egg when heated?

the albumin is a protein, and the shape of this protein chanegs when it is heated (scientists call this the protein denaturing). You can think of it like this: If you have a strand of uncooked spaghetti, and you heat it, it changes shape and goes from being staight and hard to not being able to stand itself upright and able to be bent. Proteins are normally all jumbled up, and when they get denatured, they tend to straighten out, like the oppisate of what happened with the spaghetti.

What membrane proteins is responsible for binding hormones that can trigger changes in the cells activity?

receptor proteins

What is meant by danaturation?

Denaturation is a process in which proteins or nucleic acids lose the quaternary structure, tertiary structure, and secondary structure which is present in their native state.

What kind of change such as a change of state the substance of the whole changes but its underlying structure remains the same?

In changes in which the molecular structure of a substance remains constant, such as changes of state, we often refer to these changes as Physical Changes. If the molecular structure is altered it would be a Chemical Change.

How could temperature or pH changes affect a protein?

Proteins are extremely sensitive to heat because the sudden rise of temperature breaks its hydrogen bonds. The sensitivity of the side chains and its three-dimensional structure also contributes to its reaction to extreme heat.