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Give it a bath. If the puppy is younger than 5 months; use a sponge and some soap. Try not to get the soap in the puppies eyes or ears. If it is the puppies breath use a finger tooth brush( you can get at, Petsmart, Petco, and some vets offices). Put a little tooth paste on the brush. Get the dog to smell and potentially like the tooth paste. DON'T USE HUMAN TOOTH PASTE!

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Q: What you should do if the puppy smell?
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Do dogs smell better by age?

no they smell nice when they are a puppy

How do you make a 3 month old puppy comfortable in its new home if its yust to the outside?

When you bring the puppy inside let him/her smell every room,go with it while its checking things out.In just a few days the puppy should be comfortable enough to go from room to room on its own.

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Can bleach smell harm your 1 week old puppy?

If you can breathe, the puppy can. If you have used bleach water to clean somewhere the puppy will be, let it dry before it comes in contact with that area.

Why do flies get on puppies?

Flies like landing on dogs and puppies because of their smell. Or because of the dirt and other debris the puppy may have on it. Flies really like puppy fur and when a fly lands on a puppy, the puppy gets irritated.

How do you get a bad smell away from a 9 week old puppy?

If the odor seems to be coming from the dog's skin or fur (please make sure it is not feces or garbage it has rubbed on first) you may have a skin condition; in which situation you should contact a vet. If the smell seems to be coming from the dog's breath or rectum, it could be a case of the worms or indigestion. Before taking any huge steps, just bathe your puppy in a good reputation puppy shampoo.

Do puppies smell more than dogs?

It depends on a lot of things really... 1.what type of puppy or dog you have 2.half the smell could be from puppybreath 3.if you havent bathed your dog or puppy in a while it may start to smell 4. where your dog plays 5. what your dog eats

Should you clean your one month puppy with detol?

Yes you should because if you shouldn't your puppy will get infected but clean the puppy gently.

Should people forbid puppy mills?

Yes, puppy mills should be forbidden

Should you worm your six week old puppy and what kind should you use?

a puppy wormer

Should puppies be trained from birth?

Yes, although the training needs to be age appropriate. For a newborn puppy, simply touching the puppy and letting it get used to the smell and feel of humans is plenty - you don't need to pick it up or disturb it. When the puppy's eyes open, you can start holding and gently scratching the puppy all over - ears, belly, back, legs, etc. As the puppy gets better at walking, you should introduce a collar and then a leash; when the puppy is moving around you'll also need to teach it bathroom manners (often called housebreaking). After the puppy has been vaccinated, it should be introduced to people and social situations (PetSmart is a great place for this, since they encourage owners to bring their animals in).

What treats should you give a boxer puppy?

if you are training your puppy then you should used soft treats but you can give you puppy any treat that is intended for puppies