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5d ago

Singapore is a modern city-state in Southeast Asia. It is an independent island nation with a high population density and a developed economy.

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Q: Whats one example of a modern city state?
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What is an example of an city state?

A city state is essentially a country that is only one city. Some ancient examples were the Greek city-states, like Athens and Sparta Some modern day examples are Monaco and Luxembourg.

What is an example of a city state?

An example of a city-state is Singapore. It is a sovereign city-state and island country in Southeast Asia, known for its economic prosperity and efficient governance despite its small geographic size.

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Modern Athens is based on the ancient city-state of Athens.

What does city- state mean?

City state is a state (or country) which consists of just one city. For example the Vatican.

What city state mean?

City state is a state (or country) which consists of just one city. For example the Vatican.

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Clarification needed. What city, what state? (What country?)

How is a city-state different from a city or a state?

A city-state is an independent region that operates like a small country with its own government, while a city is a large and permanent settlement that serves as a center of culture and commerce within a region. A state is a political entity with defined borders, government, and sovereignty over its territory, which can include multiple cities and regions.

What is a Sumerian city?

A city-state, for example, is Shuruppak.

What city state acted as a state?

A city-state is a city which is also an independent country. The best example in the modern world is Singapore. Historically they were common in Europe, but the only ones left in Europe are Monaco and the Vatican City. A city-state can include land outside the city, historically many city stares included some surrounding agricultural areas which supplied the city with food. It was still a city-state as long as most of the population lived in the one city.

What is city - state?

A city-state is a city which is also an independent country. The best example in the modern world is Singapore. Historically they were common in Europe, but the only ones left in Europe are Monaco and the Vatican City. A city-state can include land outside the city, historically many city stares included some surrounding agricultural areas which supplied the city with food. It was still a city-state as long as most of the population lived in the one city.