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Physical therapists need a master's degree from an accredited physical therapy program and a State license, requiring passing scores on national and State examinations. Education and training. According to the American Physical Therapy Association, there were 209 accredited physical therapist education programs in 2007. Of the accredited programs, 43 offered master's degrees and 166 offered doctoral degrees. Only master's degree and doctoral degree programs are accredited, in accordance with the Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education. In the future, a doctoral degree might be the required entry-level degree. Master's degree programs typically last 2 years, and doctoral degree programs last 3 years. Physical therapist education programs start with basic science courses such as Biology, chemistry, and physics and then introduce specialized courses, including biomechanics, neuroanatomy, human growth and development, manifestations of disease, examination techniques, and therapeutic procedures. Besides getting classroom and laboratory instruction, students receive supervised clinical experience. Among the undergraduate courses that are useful when one applies to a physical therapist education program are anatomy, biology, chemistry, social science, mathematics, and physics. Before granting admission, many programs require volunteer experience in the physical therapy department of a hospital or clinic. For high school students, volunteering with the school athletic trainer is a good way to gain experience. Licensure. All States require physical therapists to pass national and State licensure exams before they can practice. They must also graduate from an accredited physical therapist education program. Other qualifications. Physical therapists should have strong interpersonal skills so that they can educate patients about their physical therapy treatments and communicate with patients' families. Physical therapists also should be compassionate and possess a desire to help patients. Advancement.Physical therapists are expected to continue their professional development by participating in continuing education courses and workshops. In fact, a number of States require continuing education as a condition of maintaining licensure. For the source and more detailed information concerning this subject, click on the related links section (U.S. Department of Labor) indicated below.

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you cant get a bachelor's degree in physical therapy. you need a doctorate in physical therapy. that's 6-8 years of college.

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where can i get physical therapy classes?

You can get physical therapy classes at a local practice. You can also get them at hospitals. Some doctors offices will offer Physical Therapy, but not most.

What Therapist classes are offered an community colleges?

Some would include, a respiratory therapist, and a physical therapy assistant.

What are some useful physical therapy exercises?

There are many useful physical therapy exercises. Some examples of useful physical therapy exercises include stretching, flexibility techniques, and endurance testing.

On the Internet, where can I find some good physical therapy classes?

The best online physical therapy classes are provide by A.T. Still university. there are two courses you can apply for MS in advanced occupational therapy and MS in advanced physician assistant.

Where can you get physical therapy?

You can receive physical therapy at most hospitals and some private clinics. There may even be free or discounted physical therapy offered at local colleges and universities.

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Some acquired injuries from engaging in sports and other physical activities. ... you to be able to locate the best physical therapy schools in your particular area.

What kind of career can a physical therapy degree get me?

There are many different careers you can get with a physical therapy degree. Some of these careers include being a trainer, or working with physical rehab patients.

Is physical therapy painful?

It may in fact be painful, Physical therapy is for regaining the strength in your muscles. During this process, you may experience some pain.

Can you take occupational therapy classes online?

There are some occupational therapy classes available online. I would read reviews on the programs at and then decide. Some schools do offer such a course online. You can try University of Phoenix and Penn Foster.

What does menstruation have to do with physical therapy?

That depends on the type of therapy. Some types of therapy can be adversely influenced by hormonal changes. This can be a reason why menstruation becomes a factor.

How can you get into physical therapy?

To get into physical therapy you have to see a orthopedic physician and they should give you a script that authorizes you to get physical therapy assuming your insurance covers your visits to PT.

Pertaining to therapy?

Physical, speech, hearing, sports, mental, and behavioral are some of the most common types of therapy there are today.