

Best Answer

The moon influences potion-making just like it influences other areas of witchcraft. Here are the basic lunar rules:

The waxing moon is a good time for potions aimed at increasing or strenghtening something. Potions to improve health, to attract love, or to increase wealth are stronger when brewed during that time.

The full moon is an excellent time to brew almost any kind of potion.

The waning moon is best for potions that decrease or weaken something. Potions to ward off bad influences, to get rid of illness or worries, and to banish a person or spirit are more effective under a waning moon.

The new moon is a good time for both banishing and renewing. It empowers potions to banish problems once and for all.

When you are making potions the phases of the moon are not the only things to take into consideration, the astrological house the moon is in can also determine what potions you are making.


Moon in PISCES

Aloneness, bad luck, banality, banishing, brews, cleansing, conquering fear, divine madness, drawing out poison, elixirs, endings, facing the past, faith, fear, high magic, merging with Deity, past lives, potions, psychic healing.

Moon in ARIES

Conflict, energy, health, impatience, new ventures, quick results, rescuing people in trouble.

Moon in TAURUS <<<>>>

Binding, business, contacting Deity, endurance, farming, fertility, greed, love, patience, physical love, planting, prosperity, security, self-esteem, sensuality, sex, wealth.

Moon in GEMINI

Communication, contacting Deity, friends, gossip, ideas, intelligence, learning, memory, travel.

Moon in CANCER <<>>

Buying a home, contacting Deity, cooking, divination, health, home, initiation, planting, psychic abilities, weather work.

Moon in LEO

Celebrations, creativity, dating, fun, gambling, investment, love, parties, self-expression, selling a home for profit, vacation.

Moon in VIRGO

Healing, herbs, medicine, military, relationships, relatives, wellness.

Moon in LIBRA

Aid to others, balance, beauty, contracts, dating, justice, lawyers, laziness, legal matters, love, lovers, loyalty, marriage, peace, romance, scrying, socialising, team building, tyranny over the weak, war.


Banishing, developing psychic talents, divination, fighters, finding lost items, initiation, law, merging with others, rebirth, regeneration, renewal, research, warriors, will power, work (magical).


Contacting Deity, contacting higher planes, divination, dreams, dream work, good luck, high mysteries, judges, law, learning, legal matters, long journeys, mind expansion, publishers, publishing, serendipity.


Business, career, Crone, employers, government, hard work, inherited traits, jobs, long term results, professions, profound wisdom, promotion, reputation, responsibility, respect, ruthlessness, stones, time, traveling long distances.


Bettering the human condition, covens, coven work, energy, energy work, fairness, friends, honesty, hope, legislative bodies, logic, making the world a better place, meeting new people, non-emotional judgment, reason, social awareness, trustworthiness, work with a coven.

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