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you could be pregnant. Sperm can live in a womans body for up to 4 days.

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Q: Whats the chances of being pregnant if your partner ejaculated in you on your last day of your period and you started ovulating 3 days later?
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Can you be pregnant if your partner ejaculated in you and got your period the next day?


What happens if you are gay and you ejaculated into your also gay partner?

There is no risk of fertilization, since men do not have an uterus. You partner cannot get pregnant even if you ejaculated inside him wherever the place.

Can you become pregnant from sperm?

Yes, that is exactly how you become pregnant; during sexual intercourse, if your partner ejaculates while inside you (not the butt). In addition, you'd have to be ovulating or close to ovulating for conception to occur.

Your partner ejaculated inside you a little can you be pregnant?

Yes, even a little still means there's sperm in it that can fertilize your eggs.

Has sex august11 with partner 1 and august 18 with partner 2 found out was pregnant on august 31 whos the dad?

The dad is whoever you had sex with when you were ovulating.

Can you get pregnant if your partner has only ejaculated in you one time and you have been taking the pill correctly for 5 years and are still on it?

Pregnancy highly unlikely.

Can a woman get pregnant on a 23 day cycle?

Woman can always get pregnant unless if she or her partner is sterile. It's during the beginning of the cycle and end of the cycle that the chances of becoming pregnant skyrocket.

Can I still get pregnant if my partner was diagnosed as sterile?

The chances are very slim. When a man is diagnosed as being sterile they are unable to impregnate a female. However, once in a while couples to get pregnant

Can a girl get pregnant if she takes bath with her partner?

The girl will not get pregnant unless she has sexual intercourse with her boy friend. There are high chances that she will go for sexual intercourse with her boy friend during taking a bath.

Can a man get his wife pregnant by taking geritol?

It is possible that your partner's sperm count will increase while taking Geritol IF he is not getting the correct vitamins otherwise. It has been shown that taking vitamin A and zinc and calcium in men who are deficient will help sperm numbers and mobility. Therefore with greater numbers and greater mobility, the chances of you falling pregnant are increased (but only slightly). Of course pregnancy relies on a lot of other factors such as whether you are ovulating, the viability of your egg, timing. On his side it is possible that his sperm is not viable or so low that your chances are next to zero.

You had your tubes clipped cut and tied 12 years ago what are the chances of being pregnant?

I had my tubes clipped 8 years ago and i so desperatly want a baby girl and a baby boy with my partner is it possible for us to have a baby as my body says I'm pregnant but the pregnancy test says I'm not but my son and partner thinks and believes that i am pregnant if I'm not then how can i give my partner a love baby

He ejaculated inside of me i have the Mirena can you get pregnant still?

nope. Mirena is a 99.99% effective birth control device, meaning it prevents pregnancy, but not STDs. If you're unsure weather or not you're partner is infected, please use a condom. S