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I have recently researched this very question. First of all they are both political parties as you probably already know. Here is what I found.

The Democratic party tends to be more liberal meaning "free". They are pro-choice, support same sex marriage, support stem cell research, favor higher minimum wage, are willing to have strong alliances and work with other nations, oppose tax cuts because those funds are used to help the needy, they want to government to pay for universal health care, believe that the health of families and the economy depend on proper governance of the environment, Support clean air and water and are willing to fight those who may jeopardize it, believers of global warming and actively take steps to slow/ or counteract the process, they support individual privacy and last but not least they are strongly opposed to government monitoring.

The Republican Party is "pro-life" (opposed to abortion), opposed to same sex marriages, do not support stem cell research, against high minimum wage because they believe it hurts small business's and cause's them to raise prices to compensate the difference, interferes with other countries and doesn't care about world opinion (for example, the war on terrorism in Iraq, for god sake leave them alone already and let them believe in what they want. As long as it is not hurting us or our allies. Who says the way we do things is right. It may be right for us but not for everyone. It like saying that just because one person drives a Mercedes does everyone have to own one? I hope you understand my analogy here.) they Favor tax cuts, want individuals and companies to pay for universal health care, they want more money to be spent on national defense (Who's going to mess with us? Really, we may be one of the youngest countries on earth but we are also one of the strongest.) Strict on Immigration, believe that strict environmental standards hurt businesses (why? b/c they actually have to pay to dispose of their chemical waste. This makes me think of the movie Erin Brokovich with Julia Roberts and all those people getting sick and dying because PG&E weren't disposing of chemicals properly.) They are skeptics of global warming, Fiercely opposed to personal privacy and support government monitoring.

Both parties are opposed to torture in prisons.

I hope this helps, what I got out of this is that Democrats are kinda like hippies; they fight for the rights that were given to us. Where as the republican party seems to care more about paying government officials more than they are worth and are trying to take our rights away. I don't personally support gay marriage (maybe b/c i am straight) but who are we to tell someone who they can and cannot fall in love with? Nor am i a supporter of abortion but I do believe that it is a smart decision for some people. For example if I was the victim of a sex crime and pregnancy was the end result I probably would not want to keep the baby because it would remind me on a daily basis of that horrible experience, I would also be afraid that i may resent it b/c of the way he/she was conceived, not to mention have to worry whether he/she would grow up to be a horrible person like their father and put people through the same thing i had to endure. Another example is what if a prostitute gets pregnant and is on drugs the baby will probably be born with an STD like herpes that can be transferred to the baby when it is being born and will probably end up in a trash can in a plastic bag. Do you think it's right to keep that baby from starving to death cold and alone? It makes me tear up just thinking about it. I have 2 children and they are my world. I can't imagine anything bad ever happening to them.

Obviously because of my rant I support the democratic party.

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12y ago

Technically speaking....absolutely nothing. They are all puppets on a string doing what their contributors tell them to do, they are all criminals and getting paid to do so. The global BIG bankers of the world control it meaning they not only control our two political parties they control the world.

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15y ago

Essentially, none. It's all a sham designed to dupe the knuckleheaded voter into thinking he or she really does make a difference. Face it - politicians of either party think they know what's good for you better than you do. Both parties want to increase their power over your life in whatever means they can, they only use different tactics. They're both a bunch of nosy busybodies who can't get REAL jobs, so they hang out at the public trough, feeding off of YOUR hard earned dollars. Democrats think Government is GOOD, so they get elected and increase the size of it as often and as much as they can. Republicans think Government is BAD, so they get elected, and prove it. Republicans think you should be able to do whatever you want in the BOARDROOM, but you'd better be careful what you do in the BEDROOM, because they won't stand for any shenanigans there... Democrats think you should be able to do whatever you want in the BEDROOM, but you'd better be careful what you do in the BOARDROOM, because they won't stand for any shenanigans there... When you understand that BOTH parties want to restrict your freedom, but in different ways, you'll be on your way. Really the only difference i know is that one is a jackass and one is an elephant. there you go! x]

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11y ago

Starting with Democrats, because it's easier to write and understand by comparing:

Democrats (say they) believe that corporations are a necessary evil, so unions and governments must place strict controls on what they can do, to keep them from unfairly exploiting their workers and customers and the environment. They also (say they) believe that people should be able to do pretty much whatever they like in their private lives, even when it has repercussions on public policy. They are also generally very reluctant (since the 60's) to see warfare as a good idea.

Republicans (say they) believe that, over the long run, the market will curb corporate excesses: workers will not work for, and consumers will not buy from, companies that exploit them, and fear of bad publicity and of being sued will curb environmental offenses. Significantly, they insist that the government cannot be counted on to make good decisions, and specifically, will not make better decisions than all of the citizens acting individually.* They are somewhat divided over the "private life" issue, with a vocal group (the size of which is subject to much debate which I will not engage in here) that wants to use legal means to encourage or force people to conform to some traditional norms.** They are also somewhat more likely to see warfare as necessary.

* Someone who supports the Republicans would put this: "they trust the American people more than they trust the politicians."

** To put this more plainly: the far (and vocal) right-wing of the party wants to outlaw abortion and most "gay rights." (Although the recent claim of a "war on women" is, by and large, nonsense.)

You didn't ask, but for what it's worth: Libertariansgenerally agree with Republicans on economic issues, and with Democrats on "private life" issues. They would also never engage in any military action, ever, unless the U.S. were attacked first. Also, famously, they support legalizing most drugs.

I say "say they" believe, because at the end of the day, they're all politicians, and who knows what they really believe? Both parties are supported by (people more in-the-know than I say "controlled by") billionaires, and almost all presidents since Ike have been millionaires (only Gerald Ford and Bill Clinton -- probably -- are exceptions, and Ford was never electedPresident).

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15y ago

Democrats believe government is the solution. Republicans believe government is the problem.

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What is one explanation for the longevity of the Republican and Democratic parties?

The longevity of the Republican and Democrat parties is because they are loose alliances of small parties within the parties that unite together come election time

What parties became known as the Democratic-Republican Party?

The question is backward: Jefferson's Democratic-Republican Party (formerly called the Anti-Federalists) split into the National Republican Party and the Democratic Party after the contested Presidential election of 1824.

What did the democratic and republican parties stand for before civil war why did people vote for republicans and why for democrats?

The north was republican, the south was democrat. Prior to the civil war the two parties were actually the same party (Democratic Republicans), and around the time the country split the parties split. The Democrats were proslavery and so the south, the Republicans were anti-slavery and so the north. Abraham Lincoln was the first Republican President. Even though the first half of the 1900s the Democrats were the prosegregation anti-equal rights party, it wasn't until the 1950s and 60s that they changed, now of course they try to pin those things on Republicans.

What two political parties emerged before the election of 1796 who were the founders of each party?

The two poltical parties that emerged before the election of 1796 are The Federalists led by Alexander Hamilton and The Democratic-Republicans led by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison.(Federalist and Republican)

Who were the parties involved in the the civil war?

The term "parties" I must believe is meant to be "Who were the participants in the Civil Ar?" The US Civil War was fought between the Confederate States of America and the United States. In terms of political parties, in the North the two major parties were the Democrat & Republican parties.

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