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Produce water

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Water H20

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Q: When 2 basic subunits come together form a large macromoleculewhat other molecule is also produce?
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What and ribosomes work together?

The nucleolus contains chromatin that is needed to produce a type of RNA called ribosomal RNA(rRNA) that then joins with proteins to form the subunits of ribosomes. Each of these subunits has its own particular mix of rRNA and proteins. The two subunits are not assembled into one ribosome until they reach the cytoplasm.

Does the nucleolus help the cell produce proteins?

Yes. It is the site where rRNA genes is transcribed to form rRNA. rRNA combines with proteins to form large and small ribosomal subunits. These subunits come together to form the ribosome required during the process of translation.

What are removed and what are spliced together to produce an mRNA molecule with a continuous coding sequence?

introns ... exons.

The linking together of many molecules of glucose may produce a molecule of what?

they form sucrose.

How does a single DNA molecule produce two identical molecules?

Two single chains bond together. The bonded chains twist together to form a double helix.

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a water molecule at each bonding site

What kind of molecule does translation produce?

The molecule produced after translation of RNA is protein.

What molecule do cells burn during respiration to produce ATP?

The molecule that cells burn during respiration to produce ATP is called Glucose.

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Molecule - Carbohydrates Process - Photosynthesis

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Carbon dioxide

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What two atomes produce when they combine?

If you were referring to two actual atoms they were not listed. When two atoms of different chemical elements bond together they form a chemical compound.