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Q: When George Washington said that the national government was ''little more than shadow without the substance'' he probably meant that?
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The government in Somalia.

Who believed in a stronger national government?

You are probably thinking about the early battles between the Federalists who believed in a strong federal government and were headed by John Adams and the states' rights group , led by Thomas Jefferson. George Washington sided with Adams for the most part.

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Probably Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport.

Favored ratification of the constitution and favored a strong national government?

You would probably be best served to look up a list of prominent Federalists. The Federalists were almost always supporters of the Constitution, and always supporters of "big government" (a strong federal control over the States). Here are a few big names: •Washington (1st President) •Adams (2nd President) •Hamilton (Washington's cabinet)

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As you probably know, the National Weather Service is a United States Government organization so not many people know. Contact a NWS meteorologist for help.

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Probably. Wouldn't you, if you were Denzel Washington?

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public schools, national parks, and hiways soon enough healthcare, part of GM, probably BP here too and your soul

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Check the SAMSHA website (national Substance Abuse Mental Health agency) for statistics for your state. It's probably a phone poll. Or, check the website for your state department of health.

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substance, you are probably looking for pure substance, you 8th grade science weasel xD

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