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When you clean your dwarf hamsters cage you should put fresh bedding in because they could have stored food in it that could rot or they might have urinated in it which should be cleaned so change its nest whenever you clean its cage which should be a around once a week.

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Q: When I clean my dwarf hamster's bedding do I have to destroy the nest?
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Related questions

What type of bedding do dwarf hamsters need?

dwarf hamsters need the same bedding as normal hamsters which is straw or shavings which you can get in a pet shop.

Why are Chinese dwarf hamsters allergic to pine bedding?

Pine bedding can increase respiratory problems in hamsters.

What do hamsters sleep with?

Dwarf hamsters - each other and on suitable hamster bedding. Syrian - on their own and on suitable hamster bedding.

Do dwarf hamsters require cleaning or are they self cleaning?

Dwarf hamsters clean themselves. I own one and watch him clean himself all the time. Dwarf hamsters clean themselves by pulling both paws from the back of their neck forward.

How do dwarf hamsters take a bath?

They clean themselves.

Are wood shavings the best bedding for dwarf hamsters?

yes u can use sawdust with any breed of hamsters

Is care fresh hamster bedding safe for robo dwarf hamsters?

in my experience, care fresh bedding is THE BEST bedding for ANY type of small animal. so ,yes. But one thing, never use anything other than aspen, it is not good for hamsters.

Your dwarf hamster has put all the bedding in his cage to a corner what is he doing?

He is making a nest for himself to sleep in. All hamsters do that. I have had two of them.

Are roborovski hamsters and dwarf hamsters the same?

it will chew on it and eventually it will destroy it If you're talking about a real hamster and not a robotic one; hamsters are pretty unsophisticated when it comes to what they eat. We had a litter once that had one little one that had a bad foot, and the other hamsters ate it - I mean, ALL GONE! It was a little gross, but what do you do? Sorry, but you can't put a Syrian hamster with a Roboroski hamster, because although Roboroski hamsters are social, Syrians are not and will amost definitely fight.

What kinds of hamsters are there?

There are Syrian Hamsters (the most common type), Dwarf Russian Campbells Hamsters, Dwarf Russian Winter White Hamsters, Dwarf Roborovski Hamsters, and Dwarf Chinese Hamsters.

What other hamsters can go with Asian dwarf hamsters?

Only if it is a dwarf with a dwarf

How do you make dwarf hamsters?

By breeding them. Dwarf hamsters are a breed of hamster.