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Not unless the same thing happens with coffee. If you truly are unable to stop, however, you are certainly suffering from a compulsive disorder of some kind. An addiction involves withdrawal symptoms, which you did not describe.

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Q: When I eat chocolate I can't stop does that mean that I am addicted to the caffeine?
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What does dtfca mean?

It stands for 'Durable Teets For The Caffeine Addicted'. I hope I have helped.

What is a simulant found in chocolate?

I assume you mean "stimulant". There is a small amount of caffeine in chocolate that sets off nerves in your brain, making it irresistible!

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Well it is not a matter of why but a matter of adiction. I supposed the people who made soda said, "Hey! Lets just put caffeine in our sodas, and let the peole get addicted so they will keep buying more and more of it." See what I mean? Caffeine is in a way like alcohol, in the way that it is addicting. Fun Fact: Did you know that chocolate has caffeine in it? That is why we love it so much!

Do you know chocolate?

you cant know chocolate, but you can eat it !but if you mean do i know what chocolte is yes it is a certian kind of food (sweet )

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i dont know what you mean by the late part but dogs cant get worms from chocolate

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Yes although it probably doesn't have much caffeine in it. Almost all chocolate contains relatively small amounts of caffeine. (By relatively, I mean in comparison to coffee or caffeinated soft drinks which contain a lot of caffeine.)

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Well dogs cant eat choc (Chocolate) or they will die right?

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It means your addicted to drugs and alcohol cross addicted

What does caffeine mean?

Caffeine is like this kind of sugar or salt put in the soda or energy drink. Also, caffeine is the opposite of "caffeine free". Search up caffeine free to learn more about it.

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No. Even if the mother smokes marijuana while she is pregnant, the baby cannot be born addicted to it, since marijuana is not physically addictive. Of course, this does NOT mean it's okay to smoke marijuana while you're pregnant. You're not supposed to take ANY drugs -- including caffeine -- while you're pregnant.

Does cross addiction mean your addicted to drugs and ahcole?

yes they do i am na and we get ppl that are croos addicted to drugs and alcohol

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A "holic" of something means that a person would be addicted to something. For example, an alcoholic would be someone who is addicted to alcohol. Shopaholic, addicted to shopping, and so on.