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My doctor said that they wasn't going to listen for a heartbeat when I was 11 weeks pregnant because It was too soon and they probably wouldn't hear anything anyway.

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Q: When I got my first ultrasound at 10 weeks yesterday we found twins but picked up neither heartbeat. The tech said it was a miscarriage. Is it possible 10 weeks was too soon I'm so scared?
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Is it possible to still be pregnant after a miscarriage?

My wife had a miscarriage at 13 weeks on Friday and went for an ultrasound Tuesday and turns out there was twins and 1 was still alive So yes

Is it possible for a baby to be undetected by ultrasound at 17 weeks?

If the doctor is blind and deaf. You can even hear the heartbeat at that stage.

Did you have a miscarriage if you had severe pains for several hours and when you went to the bathroom a big clot came out and then the pain stopped?

It is quite possible you had a miscarriage. Did you know you were pregnant? Have you had an ultrasound scan before or since?

Is it possible to feel the baby's heartbeat in the first couple of weeks?

No it doesn't exist then. You can see it and hear it on ultrasound around the 5-6th week.

Is it possible to have remaining tissue in the uterus after a miscarriage despite a negative pregnancy test and a closed cervix The miscarriage occured 4 weeks ago and test done 4 weeks later by doc.?

If you are concerned, an ultrasound test will confirm the emptiness of the uterus. == Yes, it is possible to have tissue left in your uterus after a miscarriage, this is called retained placenta. You really need to have a doctor confirm this, as a retained placenta could cause death, through hemorraghing or infection.

No fetal heartbeat still feel pregnant and baby has not passed?

There are two possible scenarios here. 1. You could still be pregnant but the monitor didn't pick up the heartbeat. 2. Miscarriage can take a while to actually happen. It can take one day or as many as 14 days to miscarry.

Can you die before you're out of your mom?

Yes, if your mother has a miscarriage, meaning that she fails to give birth to you in the proper way. Another possible thing, even though it is rare, is to not have a heartbeat while your mother is still pregnant.

Is it possible to miscarriage after 4 months?

Yes it is...I suffered a miscarriage at 8 months.

Early ultrasound performed to determine dates the tech estimated the age at 5 weeks 4 days but could not detect a fetal heart rate Is this OK is it just too early to tell?

Yes, I am sure everything is fine. The heartbeat does not usually develop until around week 5, but that does not always mean that the ultrasound can detect it. It is hard to tell exactly how many days pregnant you really are so it is possible that it could be 4 days off too. I wouldn't worry about anything unless you start to cramp or bleed, which could be signs of miscarriage and you should contact your OB/GYN right away. I am not trying to scare you but cramping can also be signs of gas or your uterus growing. Your ultrasound was done so close to around the time the heartbeat is developing, I wouldn't worry.

Is it possible to have a miscarriage from stress at 11 weeks?

Yes, is is possible

Heartbeat rate of only 80 and bad spotting at week 7 is it still possible that its not a miscarriage?

Actually a more scientific answer shows that low heart rates do show increased chances of miscarriage. The normal heartrate of a 7 week embryo is 135. Heart rates of less that 100 show increased chances of miscarriage. Not all end in miscarriage, but several do. Please see this study for more info.

Is it possible to get pregnant a week after a miscarriage?

Yes it is.