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You can use an image viewer like Irfanview to save the image and use the proper image setting to save as a PNG. Or the same with an image editor like GIMP.

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Q: When I make my picture png it isn't 24-bit and when i make it 24-bit it's bmp not png.... How do I make it 24-bit png?
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What is the full from of BMP?

Bitmap Picture

What is bmp full name?

Bit map picture

Why is it when you try to save a picture on the internet that you know is a JPEG windows wont let you save it as anything but a bitmap?

Right click on the picture in web browser and select Save Picture as... to save the picture. If the picture can be saved only as bmp, then the picture is not a jpeg image. If it was ajpeg image, you can specify the target format as either jpeg or bmp.

What is picture formats?

A picture format is the style the picture is encoded in. For example; .jpeg (Pronounced Jay-peg), .png, .gif and .bmp are all common picture formats.

When a bmp file format is used?

When a picture is saved uncompressed from paint. You should use PNG instead of BMP as it still retains the quality loss-less but compresses it.

What size for a picture is '1mb'?

Usually pictures of JPEG or BMP occupy more space than the GIF which occupies the low space. In JPEG and BMP there is space for the background also.

How can you make a transparent bmp?

make what you want in photoshop with transparent pixels then save it as BMP, Save AS- choose BMP from Format: drop down list, choose Windows and number in Depth, if you are on windows (I guess) in new window that opens.

What does the file extensions .bmp and.jpg are used for files.?

They're used as extensions to identify picture files.

How do you make a wallpaper for desktop from a 4 by 6 picture?

You have to get the picture scanned and saved on your computer as a digital file, for example as a ".jpg" or a ".bmp" file. Then open it in "Microsoft Paint". In 'Paint', under the 'File' tab, you'll see the choice "Save as Wallpaper".

How do you make my 660 Kilobyte picture 150 Kilobytes?

Yes, try changing the format of the picture. Eg. from .PNG to .JPG or 32-bit BMP to 16-bit (although reducing the size or changing formats may convert the image to a poorer quality).

BMP is the extension of what program?

BMP is the three letter file extension for Bitmap images. There are several commen picture and image file formats. Bitmap images or the highest quality and take up more space then other file formats.

How can you recognize your picture files?

Picture files no matter name they have they will definitely have an extension like xx.jpg . bmp and may more. window automatically will search for these files extension if asked to do so.