

File Formats

Each kind of media has several formats associated with it, each format with its own properties and extension. The various formats are optimized for the kind of data they store as well as the media on which they are created and stored. Popular multimedia formats are .mp3 (MPEG-Layer 3) for music files, .avi (Audio Video Interface) for videos, and .jpg (JPEG) for images."

608 Questions

Which picture file format can display more color?

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Asked by Wiki User

The JPEG 2000 format can display more colors compared to the JPEG format. Its ability to support higher bit depths allows for a wider range of colors to be displayed accurately.

What is a Suitable file format for a magazine?

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Asked by Wiki User

A suitable file format for a magazine could be PDF. It preserves the layout, images, and fonts, ensuring that the document appears as intended on various devices. Additionally, PDF files are widely supported and can be easily shared and printed.

How do I convert .png file to .iso file?

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Asked by Wiki User

Download and Install ImgBurn:

Download ImgBurn from the official website and install it on your Windows computer.

Open ImgBurn:

Launch ImgBurn after installation.

Create an ISO from Files/Folders:

In the main menu, select "Create image file from files/folders."

Select Source:

Click on the folder icon next to the "Source" field to browse and select the files or folders you want to include in the ISO.

Set Output Destination:

Specify the output destination for the ISO file in the "Destination" field.

Configure Settings:

Configure any additional settings as needed.

Start the Process:

Click the "Build" button to start the process of creating the ISO file.

Wait for Completion:

Wait for ImgBurn to complete the process. Once finished, you will have an ISO file containing the selected files or folders.



What are different types FAT in computer?

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Asked by Wiki User

There are two types of File Allocation Table (FAT) file systems currently used on computer disks (FAT16 & FAT32) but the there have been others:

  1. FAT8, the original FAT file system
  2. FAT12, designed for use on 5.25 inch floppy disks, became inefficient on hard disks larger than about 32Mbyte
  3. FAT16, designed to support hard disks into the low gigabyte range
  4. FAT32, designed to support hard disks into the low terabyte range
The FAT file systems unfortunately become rapidly inefficient as disk capacity increases because it must use larger cluster sizes on larger disks (wasting more bytes in small files). A workaround for this has been to partition disks that were too large into more efficient sizes. When newer higher capacity hard disks began to make this workaround impractical, the FAT entry size was increased (from 12 bits to 16 bits then to 32 bits) so more clusters could be mapped in the table and cluster size could then be kept down to a more efficient size. There are also some extensions to these basic FAT types (e.g. FAT16B, FAT16+, FAT16X, FAT32+, FAT32X, VFAT, UVFAT, FATX, exFAT), but as standard device driver and utility software often does not support them many problems and incompatibility issues (including data loss) can result.

But FAT is not the only file system type available, there are many that were designed from the beginning for use on large capacity hard disks and thus do not have the limitations of FAT. A few of these are:

  • NTFS
  • HFS+ (Journaled)
  • ext
  • ext2
  • ext3
  • ext4
  • FILES-11
  • NSS
  • OneFS
  • UFS
  • UFS2
  • XFS
  • Xsan
  • EFS
  • etc.

What is the difference between a program file and a data file?

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Asked by Wiki User

A program file may require a data file to work. a data file holds information that a program file may use. For example... a program file might be a shortcut that you click on to run a program such as Notpad but a data file is like a *.doc file type or a .txt which contains data.

A program file may only contain binary operation codes, addresses and embedded data as permitted by the designers of the computer processor that is going to be executing the program. A data file can be in any format as determined by the programmers.

How do you Convert JPG File to Pdf File?

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Asked by Wiki User

you should use software coverter jpg to pdf, you can search with keyword jpg to pdf on google

What file format are iTunes?

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MP3, WAV, AAC, Apple Lossless, MPEG4, AIFF

How can you convert your iPhone pictures to jpg?

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Asked by Wiki User

If you took the picture with your camera lens, it should already be a a .jpg upon being transferred to your computer.

You can also open the pictures in an image editing program such as Paint or Photoshop, then re-save them (Save-As) .jpg. There is absolutely no need to use websites or download anything in order to convert images to .jpg, these downloads are usually spammy, malware or malicious.

What are the Different formats of information?

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Asked by Wiki User

they are paragraphs, tables and columns RTF (Rich text format) is a document language used for exchanging text between different word processors and text-processing applications. RTF is much easier to generate than PDF (Portable document format) or PostScript, and is more word-processor friendly than HTML (Hyper text markup language). RTF has been around for over a decade, while hundreds of other binary formats have come and gone. With this in mind in terms of functionality across my office applications, it's easy to change the formats of this text in various documents, to suite my requirements for elucidation. In excel and word the text format availability is found on the tool bar.

What file format does the iPad use?

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Asked by Wiki User

The iPad uses 'ipa' format for it's own apps, however it can open or view HTML, DOC, PDF, TXT, XLS, MOV, AVI, MP3, M4A and many other file formats.

How do you search in Google about a particular file format say pdf file?

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Asked by Wiki User

In order to search for only specific file types add filetype:pdf to a search either keeping pdf to search for that kind of file or changing it to another file type. One can also use intitle:"text in title" to search for pages with specific terms in their title. Google has many additional options similar to these two.

What is a mobi file?

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It is the format for ebooks that kindles use.

What are files you create and edit called?

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There are different kinds of files depending on their contents, each is created and edited with different programs.

How can you convert a Microsoft office document imaging file to jpg?

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Asked by Wiki User

how can i convert Microsoft office document imaging to jpg?

u need two programs to make it jpeg or gif or png

all u need

1) Microsoft office document imaging

2) Microsoft office picture manager...

heres the procedure open your modi file with Microsoft office document imaging

then save the image as TIF or Tagged image file format... then close the Microsoft office document imaging....

then open the TIF file with Microsoft office picture manager... after you open the tif

then click file > then export.... at the right side you will have an option in what format do you want the file to be export (jpg, png, gif. bmp).... then presto... JOB WELL DONE

for the solution research please give credit to: fortdan Marie d. teofilo aka kurtdan02

How can you reduce a jpg picture from 2.5MB to 2.5KB?

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Asked by Wiki User

You can do that from File - Save for Web & Devices in Photoshop, in window that opens look at right side and click on arrow next to Quality: to expand and show slider, then move slider to left to reduce file size, look at bottom of image preview and you will see JPEG and below file size.

What does bmp mean in computer terms?

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Asked by Wiki User

The BMP file format, sometimes called bitmap or DIB file format (for device-independent bitmap), is an image file format used to store bitmap digital images, especially on Microsoft Windows and OS/2 operating systems. Many graphical user interfaces use bitmaps in their built-in graphics subsystems;[1] for example, the Microsoft Windows and OS/2 platforms' GDI subsystem, where the specific format used is the Windows and OS/2 bitmap file format, usually named with the file extension of .BMP or .DIB (source Wikipedia) or basic metabolic panel (BMP), a group of 8 tests used as a general screening tool. (You probably are looking for the latter lol)

Is file name extension related to file format?

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Asked by Wiki User

usually unless you change the extesion for exaple mp4 mp3 flacc are all audio files but all different formats or codecs

How do I convert a jpg file into a bmp file?

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Asked by Wiki User

1.take screenshot.simple Just press print screen button on the keyboard and paste the image in ms paint program.

It is not easy when the pdf file has a lot of pages.

2. Use some converting softwares.

Here are some pdf to jpg converting softwares in the related link.

What file format for web gif?

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Asked by Wiki User

.Gif is a file format itself. Gif files are normally short animations or images with short 5 second effects. Other common image files are: .Jpg and .Png

What type of file do document scanners produce?

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They are generally created as a JPG but you can convert them to other formats.

Is JPG bitmap or vector?

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