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Sure, most drugs can be prescribed for extended periods of time. Certainly antidepressants (Strattera is a failed antidepressant) are prescribed as such. No studies have examined the long-term effects of Strattera, and therefore it is not recommended that Strattera be used in the long-term. In fact, the Strattera drug information specifically states,"Strattera is not for long-term use." Be careful with drugs like Strattera (antidepressants in general): their specific effects on the brain and their long-term effects are not well-known. These drugs can permanently alter your brain chemistry and cause a variety of secondary effects (for which you'll be prescribed more medications). Of course, this is just my opinion, and it is based on anecdotal evidence. Be cautious.

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Q: When I was at the doctor he told me that I have anxiety and ADHD and he sead that I must go on Strattera it worked but it was to expensive to go on it for a year can Strattera be given as chronic?
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Does Strattera cause fetal position and tics and odd behavior?

See your doctor. Adderall can cause tics, but not Strattera.

What are some ways to treat anxiety?

Exercise, eating healthier, taking up some form of hobby, and prayer are ways to cope with anxiety. There are various ways. Now if it is chronic anxiety, you may need to seek a doctor. Changes in eating habits make a dramatic change so consider these and choose what is best for you.

Does Strattera make you mean?

Strattera can cause mood swings in some individuals. If you experience severe mood changes, discontinue use and consult your doctor.

What is the best over the counter cough medication used with Strattera?

We checked with the doctor on OTC medicines with Strattera, and we were open for what ever worked best with our children.

How to get high on strattera?

If you are not use to taking Strattera and especially if the drug is not prescribed for you, you will get high off of it. You should only take the drug under a doctor's direction.

What will happen with 100mg of Strattera?

Answer: Strattera is not at all harmful at 100mg. Basically if you can handle or avoid the side effects the result of taking 100 mg would be increased alertness, and better attention span. It really helps you concentrate. However, Strattera has a black box warning about the potential of suicidal thoughts in children. So keep this in mind, and I would not recommend taking Strattera at all if you have any form of depression, anxiety, or any form of bipolar or psychosis. And you should stop taking Strattera immediately if you start to have thoughts of suicide or sudden changes in behavior such as agitation or irratibility. Ultimately you should talk to your doctor to determine if 100mg is necessary for your individual treatment. hope this helps***

Can anxiety be a reason for the doctor to stop you driving?

It depends on your level of anxiety, but in general yes

Does Strattera stop working?

The human body can always become immune to a medication taken for a very long time. Call your doctor.

Does milk effect anxiety?

There are some chemicals in milk that may help calm a person for a short period. It is not a cure for chronic anxiety. For that, you need a therapist. Don't depend on drugs. They may prove necessary, but let a mental health professional decide that, not your family doctor. He doesn't really know enough about it.

Do mood changes caused by Strattera diminish or disappear over time?

: You should not be experiencing these sorts of effects while taking Strattera. This is what is mentioned on the Black Box Warning for Strattera, including other changes in behavior such as irratibility and suicidal thoughts especially in children. But either way it is clear that you need to contact your doctor and you should dicontinue use of Strattera.

Should I go to my doctor if I am suffering from anxiety issues?

Yes, going to your doctor will be the recommended treatment of anxiety. They will tell you what is wrong and provide the treatment you will need to be successful.

Can you take cephalexin and Strattera together?

Yes, Cephalexin and Strattera can be taken together. Cephalexin is just an antibiotic and will have no effect on the Strattera.