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You may not cross a double yellow line or drive to the left side of the roadway when approaching within 100 feet of an intersection or a railroad crossing.

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Q: When In Florida is it illegal to drive on the left side of the road for passing purposes?
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Why is it illegal to drive on the left side of the road for passing purposes?

It's not illegal unless the center line is solid. When the center has no line or dashed lines, then it is ok to pass.

In Virginia it is illegal to drive on the left side of the road for passing purposes when?

You may not cross a double yellow line or drive to the left side of the roadway when approaching within 100 feet of an intersection or a railroad crossing.

What hours can you drive in florida at the age of 17?

It's illegal to drive at ALL the hours!

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Yes It is Passing The New Laws So It is Now Illegal

Is a right hand drive car illegal in Florida?

not at the moment, although this may change at a later date.

Is it illegal to drive in Florida under the influence of methadone?

Yes. It is illegal to operate a vehicle in ANY state while under the influence of ANYTHING that impairs your driving ability.

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I would think that it is legal to sleep at a bar. The alternative would be to drive under the influence and that is illegal.

Can you legally drive in the left lane in Florida?

On a four lane road you may drive in the left lane if you are passing a car in the right lane or, if you are moving at the prevailing speed of other traffic in that lane.

When may you drive in the left lane with four or more lanes with two way traffic in Florida?

overtaking, passing, or on some interstates car pulling

Is it illegal to drive a motorcycle with sandals on in Nevada?

No it is not illegal to drive with sandals on in Navada.

Is it illegal to drive without auto insurance in Florida?

Yes all vehicles registered must have current insurance with a minimum of 10,000 PIP and $10,000 PDL.

Is it illegal to drive with expired inspection stickers?

Yes, it is illegal to drive with expired inspection stickers.