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Q: When JFK was assinated which amendment passed?
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What major event happened at NASA when JFK was president?

he was assinated

Were any amendments passed during John F Kennedy's term?

There was one amendment that entered ratification during JFK's term as president. This was the 24th amendment that prohibited revocation of voting rights due to non-payment of poll taxes.

When was the last amendment was passed?

the last amendment was passed in 1992

The amendment passed in 1865 abolished?

It was the Thirteenth Amendment which abolished slavery.

When what the ninth amendment passed?

The Ninth Amendment was passed on December 15, 1791. passed by 3/4 of the states.

What was the important of the 14th amendment?

the importance of the 14th ammendment is that it cleared president lincolns army when assinated and it kept slaves and their butts grew huge

When was the 13th Amendment to the US Constituton passed?

The 13th Amendment to the US Constitution was passed in December of 1865. The amendment abolished slavery.

What is the only amendment to overrule a previous amendment?

The 21st amendment repealed, the 18th amendment (prohibition). It is said the the 18th amendment was passed while we were drunk, and the 21st was passed while we were sober.

Where was the thirteenth amendment passed?

it was passed in the cort house

When was the 16th amendment passed?

it was passed in 1913

What year was the Fifteenth Amendment passed in?

The Fifteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution was passed on February 3, 1870.

What day was the 15th amendment passed?

it was passed in febraruy 26,1869