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Bi-partisan support

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Q: When Republicans and Democrats agree on legislation whats the support called?
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The Republicans called the Peace Democrats "Copperheads" because they were comparing them to venomous snakes.

Who were the railroad republicans?

The railroad republicans were the Republican platform who specifically pledged not to extend slavery and called for enactment of free-homestead legislation, prompt establishment of a daily mail service, a transcontinental railroad and support of the protective tariff.

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What is US ruling political party called?

There are 2 main political parties in the US, the Republicans and the Democrats. The Democrats are in charge of the Executive Branch. In the Legislative Branch, there are 2 houses, the House of Representatives and the Senate. In the House of Representatives the Republicans have control, but in the Senate the Democrats have control. In the Judicial Branch there are 4 accepted conservatives (republicans) and 3 accepted liberals (democrats) the remaining 2 vote both ways; so it can be said that Republicans have the judicial branch. 

What doesn't a Democrat believe in?

Unlike Republicans, Democrats are all over the map on this one. Some Democrats look more like moderate Republicans; these are called Blue Dogs. Many Democrats don't believe we should have invaded Iraq. A lot of Democrats don't believe we should be building the New Berlin Wall along the Mexican border.

What are democratic beliefs on federal budget?

The Republicans spend now and pay later. They borrow money to spend now. Democrats tax for money to spend now. It is called "pay as you go" by Democrats and "Tax and Spend" by Republicans who are "Borrow and Spend" players.

What are the two main divisions of the political spectrum called?

The two main divisions of the political spectrum called in the US are called Democrats & Republicans, or the right & the left

What are the names of the two main political parties in the US?

The two main political parties in the US are called the Republicans and Democrats.

Democrats called those white southerners who joined the Republican party Scalawags?

Yes. Scalawag was the name used by Southern Democrats for white Southern Republicans who worked in Reconstruction governments.