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This refers to The Temptations Jesus suffered whilst in the wilderness. Satan takes Jesus to a mountain and says that all these kingdoms would be given to him if he bowed down and worshipped him. Satan did not need to 'own' the world. True, the world was not Satan's, but the ways of the world often are. When I say 'ways of the world' I mean greed, envy, lust, war, avoidable poverty, injustice and so on. The Christian should be in this world, but not of it. By saying these words, Satan was saying something to the effect: "Jesus, if you conformed to the ways of the world, if you were as devious and greedy as some of the kings and rulers in this world, I will make you famous and powerful" - in other words, 'successful' as far as the world is concerned. Just look how this parallels with modern society - just look at some of the dictators in the world who have done just that. As one simple example, Sadam Hussein lied, murdered and cheated his way to the top in Iraq, and remained in power because of fear. His reward was, for part of his life, great riches and huge palaces whilst his people lived in poverty. And look what happened to him - executed as a common criminal. Goodprevailed at the end. Jesus, in rejecting Satan's offer, chose the way of God rather that the way of eveil man - in other words he proclaimed God's kingdom on earth rather than Satan's. Satan didn't create the earth. Nor did he buy or rent it in any way. Therefore, it is not his to give. ----

== Because before the fall of man God owned the world but after the fall He gave it over to Satan temporarily until He returns.

Actually Satan was telling the truth he was and still is the owner of this world, since nobody obeys god's will it cannot be said that this world (mankind) belongs to him.

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Q: When Satan tells Jesus to bow down to him why does Jesus not say that this world was not yours to begin with?
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