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it is supposed to look like mr avery.

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1mo ago

Scout and Jem initially intended for the snowman to look like Mr. Avery, their neighbor.

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Q: When Scout and Jem made a snowman who did they first intend it to look like?
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When Scout and Jem build a snowman Who is the snowman first made to look like?

Scout and Jem's snowman is first made to look like Mr. Avery.

When Jem and scout made a snowman who did they tend to make it look like?

They model their snowman as Mr. Avery. This can be found on page 89.

What is the near libel which jem puts in the front yard?

In "To Kill a Mockingbird," Jem and Scout find a small figure carved out of soap that resembles Boo Radley in their front yard. This figure symbolizes Jem's growing understanding and empathy towards Boo as he begins to see him as a kind and sympathetic person rather than a menacing figure.

What did Jem show scout to make her feel better after her disagreement with aunt Alexandra?

Jem showed Scout a snowman made from dirt and snow to make her feel better after her disagreement with Aunt Alexandra. He even put a hat and some twigs on the snowman to make it look like Mr. Avery.

How does Jem create there snowman?

Jem creates the snowman by using a mix of dirt, snow, and water to mold the snowman's body. They then decorate it with twigs, leaves, and various items to give it personality and character. Overall, Jem demonstrates creativity and skill in bringing their snowman to life.

Why do jem and scout makethe snowman such an obvious replica of mr Avery?

Jem and Scout create the snowman to resemble Mr. Avery as a form of revenge for his rude behavior and criticism towards them. They see it as a harmless prank to poke fun at him in a creative way. It also symbolizes their resistance to the prejudices and ignorance that Mr. Avery represents in the community.

What is a snowman?

snowman is use snow to do sculpture like a person.

How can you get abs like the abdominal snowman?

The abdominal snowman is not real so you can't have abs like it .

What did the snowman say to the other snowman?

Smells like carrots. or "Have an ice day."

What are aunt Alexandra's and Scout's understandings of each other?

Aunt Alexandra views Scout as lacking in feminine qualities and proper behavior, while Scout sees Aunt Alexandra as strict and old-fashioned. Over time, they both come to understand and appreciate each other's strengths and differences.

What was Jem's idea when he didn't have enough snow to make a snowman?

Jem's idea was to make a snowman out of dirt and cover it with snow to make it look like a snowman.

Why do the kids get in trouble for their snowman how do they disguise it?

The kids get in trouble for their snowman because it's on private property without permission. To disguise it, they use various items like a hat, scarf, and sunglasses to make it look like a normal person.