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Q: When a bright light is shone into the eye the diameter of the pupil decreases.?
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What does bright light do to the pupil?

in bright light the pupil shrinks

The part of the eye which decreases in size when a bright light is shone into the eye?

The pupil decreases in size to lessen the amount of light allowed in, so as to prevent damage.

In a bright light the pupil in your eye will?

When exposed to a bright light, the pupil of the human eye will contract. This action allows less light to come in contact with the lens.

What part is responsible for controlling the size of the pupil?

The size of the eye's pupil controls that amount of light entering the eye and then falling on the retina. As a consequence the diameter of the pupil also controls the depth of field (how much in front of you is in focus) of the image. In bright light the pupil is small and the depth of field is wide. in dark condition the diameter of the pupil opens up and more light enters the eye but the depth of field is narrow.

Why do the pupil contracts and expands?

In dim light, your pupil expands. In bright light, your pupil contracts. Your pupil contracts in bright light because not as much light is needed to see. Same thing with dim light, your pupil expands in dim light because there is more light needed to see. Because there is not as much light in a closet than in an open field your pupil contracts and expands to let in more light or let in less light, depending on were you are at and how dark it is.

What changes in diameter in response to light in the eye?

Your pupil will dilate in low light and constrict in bright light.Answer 2Note that the pupil is just the opening in the iris. Strictly speaking, the iris contracts and so the pupil gets smaller.

When does pupil contract?

The pupil contracts when they are exposed to bright light (ie: the light is off for a period of time and then you turn it on). Metallic Thunder

What is the Response of eye to bright light?

The iris controls the amount of light entering the eyes through pupil. When the surrounding is extremely bright, the iris contracts the size of pupil. This decreases the amount of light entering the eye. This is why when we are suddenly exposed to bright light, the eyes blink and in meanwhile, the iris contracts.

Why do eyes need bright and dim light?

Eyes do not need bright and dim light - although the iris (colored part of the eye) and pupil (black center of the eye) function differently under these circumstances. In bright light, the muscles in the iris contract to make the pupil smaller. In dim light, the iris makes the pupil enlarge to allow as much of the scarce light as possible.

When the light is bright the iris open so the pupil become?


Where is the iris located?

The iris is the layer that surrounds the pupil and controls the size and diameter of the pupil. It also controls the amount of light that reaches the pupil.

What part of eye makes the pupil smaller in bright light and larger in dim light?
