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The pupil decreases in size to lessen the amount of light allowed in, so as to prevent damage.

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Q: The part of the eye which decreases in size when a bright light is shone into the eye?
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Why do mirrors reflect all the light shone on them?

They don't. Part of the light will be absorbed.They don't. Part of the light will be absorbed.They don't. Part of the light will be absorbed.They don't. Part of the light will be absorbed.

What part of speech is shone?

Shone is a verb. It describes an action.

Which part of the eye becomes narrower in bright light?

The pupil narrows in bright light to restrict the amount of light coming in. In low light conditions it will enlarge to allow more light in for greater vision.

What part of eye makes the pupil smaller in bright light and larger in dim light?


Does light affect the rate at which foods spoils?

yes, as a major part in a food's spoiling is Bacteria, which spawns better in bright light.

Why do eyes need bright and dim light?

Eyes do not need bright and dim light - although the iris (colored part of the eye) and pupil (black center of the eye) function differently under these circumstances. In bright light, the muscles in the iris contract to make the pupil smaller. In dim light, the iris makes the pupil enlarge to allow as much of the scarce light as possible.

What part of speech is will and light?

When used together, will and light are verbs. "I will light the candles." Both words can also be used as nouns. Grandma left me everything in her will. That light isn't bright enough.

What part of your eye needs bright light?

Color perception, made possible by structures called cones, requires relatively bright light, in comparison to black & white perception made possible by structures called rods.

Why is the moon classified as a light reflector instead of a light producer?

The Moon is a dusty ball of rock, about as reflective as a charcoal briquette. It only seems bright because it reflects the extremely brilliant light of the Sun. The Moon produces no light of its own; we can see that at the first quarter moon, when the part that is in the sunlight is bright, and the part in shadow is very dim.

What is a visible bright gas surface of the star?

I think you are looking for the Photosphere. That is the part of a star that emits visible light.

What happens when red light is shone onto a wall?

Any object that has light shone on it would appear in a particular color because the said object absorbs all the other colors of the spectrum and reflects one single color. when the light itself consists of a single color, the color of the object gets modified because the reflected light contains the color of the light and then part that is reflected. For ex, the wall in the question would appear red if the light is only one wavelength but would appear as a combination of red and its own natural color if the light is a combination of different wavelengths.

What part of a sound wave changes as its energy decreases?

The amplitude decreases I found the answer at yahoo