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It depends if it is starch, yes. Other sugar, NO!

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Q: When a certain sugar is tested with an iodine solution can you tell what type it is?
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What color does sugar turn when you add iodine to it?

Iodine test is a procedure that tells whether a certain element or the such contains starch (or sugar) in it.In this test, we add iodine solution (with, possibly, KI reagent) to a material [in your case, sugar]. If starch ispresent, a blue-black, somehow purple, color will result, changing the initial color of iodine. If starch amylase (sugar) is NOT present, the color will remain orange/yellowish.

What does lugol's iodine?

it is iodine and potassium iodide solution It's a orange colored solution that consists of Iodine and Potassium Iodide and is used to test a substance for starch. If the color of the solution turns black when put on/in the substance, then the substance is positive for starch.

What does iodine and Benedict's test indicate?

Iodine tests for the presence of starch. It is brownish yellow in color if there is no starch present, and bluish black if starch is present. Benedict's solution is used to test for the presence of a reducing sugar, changing from its usual color blue to green to brick red if reducing sugars are present. No reducing sugar solution stays blue.

What chemical is used to test for sugars?

Depends on the Sugar: Reducing sugars a normally monosaccharides but there are some disaccharides too like maltose. If its a reducing sugar then you would add Benedicts Reagent (alkaline copper(II) sulphate). You then heat it. if a reducing sugar is present then a precipitate is formed that will be red/orange. A Non-reducing sugar like Sucrose can be tested by first adding benedicts and heating. if no change is present you then add hydrochloric acid to hydrolyse the glycosidic bond. you then add a hydrogen carbonate solution to neutralise the acid. Then repeating the Benedicts and Heating process.

Does sugar turn blue when mixed with iodine?

No it turns purple.

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Why did a solution of saliva and oats test positive with benedict's test and iodine test if the oats alone tested positive only in the iodine test and the saliva alone was negative for both?

polysaccharides and simple sugar

What color does sugar turn when you add iodine to it?

Iodine test is a procedure that tells whether a certain element or the such contains starch (or sugar) in it.In this test, we add iodine solution (with, possibly, KI reagent) to a material [in your case, sugar]. If starch ispresent, a blue-black, somehow purple, color will result, changing the initial color of iodine. If starch amylase (sugar) is NOT present, the color will remain orange/yellowish.

What compound does food contain if it turns black when tested with iodine?


Why does a sugar solution turn brown when Iodine is added?

Because Iodine is a brown element.

Iodine solution can be used to test for sugar?

Iodine solution is commonly used as a reagent to test for the presence of starch, not sugar. When iodine solution is added to a sample containing starch, it will turn blue-black if starch is present. Testing for sugar is typically done using reagents such as Benedict's solution or Fehling's solution.

What does lugol's iodine?

it is iodine and potassium iodide solution It's a orange colored solution that consists of Iodine and Potassium Iodide and is used to test a substance for starch. If the color of the solution turns black when put on/in the substance, then the substance is positive for starch.

Is mixing sugar with iodine solution a chemical change or a physical change?

Mixing sugar with iodine solution is a physical change because no new substances are formed. The sugar and iodine solution retain their individual chemical properties even when mixed together.

Iodine and Benedict's solution were both used to test for certain nutrients in a sample of food If both tests were positive for the nutrients the sample must contain?

polysaccharides and simple sugar. Hope that helped :)

Sugar in blood and urine is tested with which solution?

Sugar in blood and urine is tested with Benedict's solution.

How do you destarch a leaf?

to destarch a leaf, you have to have two things first. A leaf and a bottle of iodine solution. You need iodine solution to separate the sugar molecules (glucose molecules) to the leaf itself, on the upper epidermis of a leaf, on the cuticle.

Why does iodine react with sugar?

Iodine reacts with sugar due to a chemical reaction called iodine starch reaction. Iodine forms a complex with starch molecules, giving a characteristic blue-black color. As sugar molecules can also form a complex with iodine, they can interfere with the reaction, leading to a color change.

Why does glycogen change to red when iodine solution is added?

Iodine tests for complex sugars. Glycogen is a complex sugar and will change dark purple when iodine solution is added (color is irrelevant, all you really need to know is that the change to a specific color signifies a presence of a macro molecule)