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Q: When a gene carries incorrect genetic information what it is called?
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What is the genetic material that carries information needed to make news cells and new organisms called?


What molecule is used to transmit information?

The Nucleus {nucleolus} carries the genetic information of he cell, also called the DNA.

What is it called when two populations share genetic information?

Genetic drift

What is copying the code and does it relate to DNA?

Copying the genetic code is called DNA replication. It relates to DNA in that DNA carries the genetic code.

What Stores and transmits genetic information called?

In a cell, DNA or Deoxiribose Nucleic Acid stores and transmits genetic information.

The transmission of genetic information from parents to offspring is called?

The transmission of genetic information from parent to offspring is called genetics or genetic transmission. Such genetic information includes height, eye and hair color.

Function of a thread like cell?

The thread like structure that contains the genetic cell information is called Chromosome. A chromosome carries the DNA bound proteins that packages and controls the DNA function.

In the cells of most organisms genetic information is contained in the what?

In eukaryotic cells, most genetic information is stored within the nucleus. Mitochondria within the cell also have unique genetic information. In prokaryotic cells, genetic information is in an area called the nucleolus.

What is a specific sentence of genetic information called?


What is the change of a cell's genetic information called?

A mutation.