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It is used for more general text as opposed to specific information. A name or address would be in a text field, but something like a doctor's comments on a patient appointment is more appropriate for a memo data type. Memo allows for more text and is not designed to be searched or sorted. So if you have data that is not very specific, like a comment, then a memo field is good to use.

It is used for more general text as opposed to specific information. A name or address would be in a text field, but something like a doctor's comments on a patient appointment is more appropriate for a memo data type. Memo allows for more text and is not designed to be searched or sorted. So if you have data that is not very specific, like a comment, then a memo field is good to use.

It is used for more general text as opposed to specific information. A name or address would be in a text field, but something like a doctor's comments on a patient appointment is more appropriate for a memo data type. Memo allows for more text and is not designed to be searched or sorted. So if you have data that is not very specific, like a comment, then a memo field is good to use.

It is used for more general text as opposed to specific information. A name or address would be in a text field, but something like a doctor's comments on a patient appointment is more appropriate for a memo data type. Memo allows for more text and is not designed to be searched or sorted. So if you have data that is not very specific, like a comment, then a memo field is good to use.

It is used for more general text as opposed to specific information. A name or address would be in a text field, but something like a doctor's comments on a patient appointment is more appropriate for a memo data type. Memo allows for more text and is not designed to be searched or sorted. So if you have data that is not very specific, like a comment, then a memo field is good to use.

It is used for more general text as opposed to specific information. A name or address would be in a text field, but something like a doctor's comments on a patient appointment is more appropriate for a memo data type. Memo allows for more text and is not designed to be searched or sorted. So if you have data that is not very specific, like a comment, then a memo field is good to use.

It is used for more general text as opposed to specific information. A name or address would be in a text field, but something like a doctor's comments on a patient appointment is more appropriate for a memo data type. Memo allows for more text and is not designed to be searched or sorted. So if you have data that is not very specific, like a comment, then a memo field is good to use.

It is used for more general text as opposed to specific information. A name or address would be in a text field, but something like a doctor's comments on a patient appointment is more appropriate for a memo data type. Memo allows for more text and is not designed to be searched or sorted. So if you have data that is not very specific, like a comment, then a memo field is good to use.

It is used for more general text as opposed to specific information. A name or address would be in a text field, but something like a doctor's comments on a patient appointment is more appropriate for a memo data type. Memo allows for more text and is not designed to be searched or sorted. So if you have data that is not very specific, like a comment, then a memo field is good to use.

It is used for more general text as opposed to specific information. A name or address would be in a text field, but something like a doctor's comments on a patient appointment is more appropriate for a memo data type. Memo allows for more text and is not designed to be searched or sorted. So if you have data that is not very specific, like a comment, then a memo field is good to use.

It is used for more general text as opposed to specific information. A name or address would be in a text field, but something like a doctor's comments on a patient appointment is more appropriate for a memo data type. Memo allows for more text and is not designed to be searched or sorted. So if you have data that is not very specific, like a comment, then a memo field is good to use.

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11y ago

It is used for more general text as opposed to specific information. A name or address would be in a text field, but something like a doctor's comments on a patient appointment is more appropriate for a memo data type. Memo allows for more text and is not designed to be searched or sorted. So if you have data that is not very specific, like a comment, then a memo field is good to use.

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