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go to the doctor ASAP

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Q: When a nipple hurts and has two bumps on the under lay of your breast should a doctor be seen?
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Related questions

What are small bumps on my chest?

You dont, its probably breast cancer. See a doctor

What does it mean when the bumps around your nipple produce a lot of pus?

Pus is normally a sign of infection. You should be checked by a doctor as soon as possible.

Puss filled bump on breast what is that?

yes, but if you are worried ask your mum or get your doctor to check it out for you.

I have white nipple discharge sometimes goose-bumps around the skin of my breasts and tender breasts and I am 13 Is it breast cancer?

sounds like your pregnant...

Why do you have bumps around your nipple?

They are called milk glands(bumps) prepares baby's milk

What are Breast bumps?

It is hard to make a diagnosis but it could be anything from a white head to a fatty bump. If you are concerned see the doctor.

What is nipple neck virus?

Causes abnormally large bumps on neck

How can one avoid breast bumps?

One can avoid breast bumps by getting regular mammograms as well as reducing fat intake. Also, one can eat healthy and exercise regularly to reduce chances of getting breast bumps.

Do little bumps on your breasts form if you have breast cancer?

Usually Breast cancer is internal and is found as a lump or tumor. However there are other types of breastcancer that appear on the outside of the breast, like inflammatory BC. Also if the skin on the breast looks like an orange peel or little bumps, it should be checked.

What are these bumps on your breasts?

Small bumps on the skin of the breast can be due to the same causes as any rash on any other part of the skin. The cause could be acne, allergy, eczema, etc. Small bumps on the nipples are a normal part of the body known as Montgomery glands.

Are visible nipple bumps attractive?

some people certainly think so.

Are big bumps around nipple normal?

That means you're gay.