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It really depends on the state and what you mean by child. A child is under the age of 12. A minor is under the age of 18. Over 18 is an adult. There are different laws protecting each age group from being ejected from their home, depending on the age. If the son or daughter was over the age of 18, in many places they would legally have to be evicted.

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Q: When a parent kicks an adult child out of the home with no notice how does the child collect their belongings?
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No. What you suggest is not possible.

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Is this a trick question? If the child is legally an adult (and therefore 'emancipated') then there is no "custodial" parent.

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Receiving mail as a guest in your parents' home does not give you any legal rights in their property. You may be entitled to notice under state laws if they want to evict you but you have no other rights in the property.

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In Pennsylvania, parents can evict an adult child by providing written notice to vacate the premises. If the adult child refuses to leave, the parent can then file an eviction lawsuit in the local court to have the adult child lawfully removed from the property. It's recommended to consult with a legal professional to ensure all steps are followed correctly.

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extremely unlikely