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Foreign microbes, or parts of microbes, are introduced to the body and the immune system reacts and produces antibodies. The antibodies were made in reaction to a foreign body introduced into the body, so it's active. Passive is when the antibodies are given directly to the person, such as from mother to child in pregnancy.

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Q: When a person receives a flu vaccination does he develop active or passive immunity?
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What type of immunity in which the body receives antibodies from another organism is?

Passive Immunity is when the body receives antibodies from another organism.

What is the difference between acquired and passive immunity?

Acquired immunity can be gained by the use of vaccinations either from your primary care giver or your local health department. Passive immunity can be acquired from exposure to someone who has the disease, in which case the person can often develop a light case of the disease, which would cause one's body to develop antibodies against the disease, thus achieving the same effects as the vaccination.

Do you develop passive immunity when you receive antibodies from another person?

Yes, passive immunity is developed when you receive antibodies from another person.

What condition is acquired temporarily when a person receives antibodies from an outside source?

Passive immunity

Which condition is acquired temporarily when a person receives antibodies from a outside source?

passive immunity

What is natural passive?

Naturally-acquired passive immunity occurs when a fetus receives antibodies from its mother through the placenta. It also occurs when a baby receives antibodies through breastmilk.

Which condition is acquired temporarily when a person receives anti-bodies from an outside source?

passive immunity

What causes passive immunity?

The immunity is having sufficient biological defenses to avoid unwanted biological invasion. There are two types of immunities, the adaptive immunity and the innate immunity. At the same time, the adaptive immunity subdivides into natural and artificial immunity. There are two types of natural immunity, which are passive immunity (primary and secondary) and active immunity. Passive immunity is the one that the fetus receives during the pregnancy of his mother (primary immunity) and which is then reinforced during lactation (secondary immunity). It is a form of rapid protection of short duration, in which the filtered blood, that passes through the umbilical cord to the fetus, transports antibodies and defenses of the mother. It is therefore important that the mother eats well, rests and stays healthy. But the human body is so perfect that even if the mother is ill, it will take all of the nutrients and defenses to the baby so that it can develop normally. After the baby is born, it's extremely important that the mother supplement the first breastfeeding (colostrum) because it has a high concentration of immunoglobulin.

Is the mothers breastfeeding milk - an active acquired immunity b passive natural immunity C passive acquired immunity D active natural immunity?

Natural Passive Immunity

Is the mothers breastfeeding milk an active acquired immunity b passive natural immunity C passive acquired immunity D active natural immunity?

Passive natural immunity

If a person given an injection containing only antibodies would most likely develop in?

passive immunity

What is a source of passive immunity?

Passive immunity occurs naturally. An example of passive immunity occur when antibodies are transferred to the fetus from the placenta during pregnancy.