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Q: When a president dies in office the vice president takes over how is this example of how a custom has changed the Constitution?
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Political parties and the President's Cabinet are considered to be part of the unwritten constitution because these groups?

developed through custom & usage

Which custom eventually became part of the constitution as the 22nd amendment?

A president not serving more than two terms. This custom was broken by President Franklin D. Roosevelt, and soon after, the 22nd Amendment came to limit a president to a maximum of two terms.

Describe a way in which custom has enlarged the constitution?

Court decisions affect how the Constitution is interpreted. Amendments are made as society continues to grow and change, and new laws need to be made, while outdated ones are changed or abolished.

Which of the following informal customs was eventually added to the written Constitution through formal amendment?

The informal custom of a two-term limit for President was added to the U.S. Constitution by the Twenty-Second Amendment. Franklin D. Roosevelt was the only President successful elected to more than two terms.

Is custom our nature?

The word custom means "Accepted or habitual practice" We are by our very nature people who accept customs readily, if they are in accordance with the wishes of the rest of the people. England is an example here, for it has no Constitution, but its laws are governed by long standing custom that have stood the test of time.

Which part of the federal government is not mentioned in the Constitution but by custom has affectes the impact of the Constitution?

The Cabinet.

Which part of federal government is not mentioned in the constitution but by custom has affected the impact of the constitution?

The Cabinet.

What is an example of military custom?

Saluting the national flag of the countryis an example of a military custom.

What is an example of a military custom?

Saluting the national flag of the countryis an example of a military custom.

What part of the federal government is not mentioned by the Constitution but by custom has affected impact of the Constitution?

what part of the federal government is not mentioned in the constitution

What is a custom that can change the government but is not written in the constitution?

Civil disobedience.

Describe two informal methods that have been used to change the meaning of Constitution?

There are many ways to informally change the Constitution since the founders left many elements of our government open to interpretation. One method is via the elastic clause found in Article I, Section 8, Clause 18 of the Constitution. This clause gives Congress the ability to pass any law deemed "necessary and proper" for carrying out it's expressed powers. For example, nowhere in the Constitution did it specify that the federal government had the power to establish a national bank but it did any way. When this action was challenged by the in the federal courts in the case of McCulloch v. Maryland (1819), the U.S. Supreme Court had to determine if this action by Congress was legal under the Constitution. The government argued that since it had the powers to tax, borrow, coin money, and spend it is implied that they have the right to establish a national bank since this would make their job related to these areas much easier. The Court agreed and the Constitution was informally changed. Another informal method of changing the Constitution is through the development of political custom or tradition. For example, nowhere in the Constitution does it mention anything about a President having a cabinet to assist him in making decisions. This was developed over the years by president's themselves as the need for assistance and advice arose. The most famous is Andrew Jackson's so called "kitchen cabinet" and once this custom was set this form of meeting has become a regular fixture for presidents present and future.