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Sorry I'm not sure what the answer is but I was wondering if you got this question from the level A reading and note taking guide science book.

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Lea Reynolds

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Q: When a rocket lifts off the ground the net force is in an upward direction. Is the upward pushing force greater or less than the downward pull of gravity?
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When a rockets lifts off the ground the net force is in an upward direction Is the upward pushing force greater or lesser than the downward pull of gravity?


When a rocket lifts off the ground the net force is in upward direction. Is the upward pushing force greater or lesser than the downward pull of gravity.?


Is the upward pushing force greater or lesser than the downward pull of gravity?

The force on you, if you are stationary, exactly balances gravity.

What drives plate movement by pushing rock back into the mantle where it melts?

Well rifts do the pushing, but gravity does the downward motion causing the melting.

The forces that act on a rock at rest in your hand?

Gravity is pushing the rock down toward the Earth and your hand is pushing upward in opposite direction but equal to gravity.

Is the upward pushing force greater or lesser than the force of gravity?

The force on you, if you are stationary, exactly balances gravity.

What 2 forces affect you when you float how do these 2 forces compare in size?

There is the downward force of gravity, pushing you towards the bottom of the body of water. The second force is buoyant force which keeps you afloat. Since you aren't sinking then the buoyant force is greater than the force of gravity.

How is it possible for an object to sink even though a buoyant force is pushing on it?

An object will float if it is less dense than the liquid in which it is placed; if it is denser, it will sink. In terms of forces, if the force of gravity (downward) is greater than the buoyant force (upward), then of course the net force will be downward, and the object will sink.

Why does river velocity increase downstream?

Velocity increases in a downstream direction because more sources of water combine depth and width. A constant flow of water would result in a higher river velocity.

How does gravity effect weight of an object?

As somebody previously said, gravity is directly proportional to weight. As gravity increases, weight increases. The simplest way to define gravity is the downward force that holds objects down. eg. you can sit in your computer chair due to gravity. It is holding you down. You would otherwise float as in space where there is no gravity. If that gravity force becomes greater, ie. there is more force pushing you down, you will weigh more. It pushes down on you more.

Why does every thingis drop down towards ground?

"things" or precipitation (rain), drops toward the ground because of the gravity force pushing it downward.

What are the 2 forces involved in sinking and floating?

Gravity is pulling down, and Buoyancy is pushing up. When the force of gravity is greater than the buoyant force, objects sink. When the buoyant force is greater than the force of gravity, objects float.