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Q: When an acid reacts with a metalwhat is one of the usual products?
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What substances are formed when acids react?

That depends on what they react with. If an acid reacts with a metal the products are usually hydrogen gas and a salt. If one reacts with a base the products are usually water (or a weak acid) and a salt. If an acid reacts with a carbonate the products are carbon dioxide, water, and a salt.

What are the products when an acid reacts with a carbonate?

a saltwatercarbon dioxide

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What products form when base reacts with acid?

A salt+water

What will happen when a base reacts with an acid?

the reaction which takes place when an acid reacts with a base is called neutralization reaction. For instance,if HCl reacts with NaOH, the products are NaCl and water. Neutralizing an acid with a base would always give salt and water as the only products.

What happens when a base reacts with an acid?

the reaction which takes place when an acid reacts with a base is called neutralization reaction. For instance,if HCl reacts with NaOH, the products are NaCl and water. Neutralizing an acid with a base would always give salt and water as the only products.

What are the products when magnesium reacts with sulfuric acid?

The products of a neutralization reaction are a salt and water.

Acid reacts with a base?

An acid-base reaction is neutralisation. The products are a neutral salt and water.

What products are formed when metal oxide reacts with an acid?

A salt and water.

When an acid reacts with a metal like AL the products are?

salt and hydrogen

What products are formed when limestone reacts with acid?

The products are a salt of calcium, carbon dioxide and water.

When acid reacts with carbonate what are the three products?

Water,salt and carbon dioxide.