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In this case the atomic number is increased with one.

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12y ago

For beta (-) decay:

1. The mass number (sum of protons and electrons) remain the same.

2. The atomic number is greater with 1.

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9y ago

The number of neutrons remains the same.

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Q: When an atom emits a beta particle the number of nucleons?
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Particle in the nucleus of an atom?

Most generically, nucleons.

What is the mass number to an alpha particle and why?

Mass number is defined as the number of nucleons present in the nucleus. Alpha particle is nothing but the doubly ionized helium atom or the nucleus of helium atom. Nucleon is the common name both for proton and neutron. Helium nucleus has two protons and two neutrons. So the number of nucleons within it is 4. Hence mass number is 4.

How is the atom changed if it releases an alpha particle?

In releasing an alpha particle, the atom loses two protons and two neutrons, for a total of four nucleons, the equivalent of a helium-4 nucleus. In losing two protons, its atomic number is reduced by two, and in losing four nucleons, its mass number is reduced by four. For example: 92235U --> 90231Th + 24He

What is the change in the atomic number when the atom emits an alpha particle?

The atomic number will decrease by 2, the number of protons in the emitted alpha particle. An alpha particle is a helium-4 nuclei with two protons and two neutrons.

The mass number of an atom is equal to?

the number of nucleons ,,

What is the mass number of an atom that contains?


Particles is found in the nucleus of an atom?

Particles found in the nucleus of an atom are named as nucleons. There are mainly two type of nucleons. They are protons and neutrons. Protons are having positive charge but neutron is chargeless. To keep these nucleons together a particle known as pi mesons are exchanged between the nucleons.

How does the composition of an atom change when it emits a beta particle?

When a nucleus emits a beta particle, it loses one of its neutrons and gains one proton. Hence, it's mass and atomic number remain the same but its charge and What_happens_to_a_nucleus_when_it_emits_a_beta_particlenumber is increased by +1.

Which subatomic particle can also be called a nucleon?

A nucleon s a particle that makes up the nucleus of an atom. Protons and neutrons are both nucleons.

Can an atom gain or lose protons why or why not?

Yes, but only in nuclear reactions. If an atom emits an alpha particle, it will lose two protons to the emitted particle.

When an atom emits a 1 beta particle what can be said about is mass number and atomic number?

Emiting a beta particle is the result of a neutron changing into a proton so the atomic number increases by 1 and the mass number stays the same