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The only Carcharodon megalodon fossils that have been found are teeth. They lived between 28 and 2 million years ago. They have been discovered all over the world, which is known as a cosmopolitan distribution.

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Q: When and where Carcharodon megalodon fossils found?
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Related questions

What is the Megalodons scientific name?

The scientific name for the megalodon is Carcharodon megalodon.

Did the carcharodon Megalodon ever live?


How many different Megalodon species is there?

There is only one known megalodon species, Carcharodon megalodon. Sometimes it is attributed to a different genus than Carcharodon, so megalodon is often simply called C. megalodon because both possible genera begin with the letter C.

What are the fossils found in the Philippines?

YES,,, I personally discovered and found megalodon teeth fossils here in the Philippines , can be the first record of megalodon fossils in the Philippines and perhaps may upgrade the records of biodiversity in the country

What does the name megalodon mean?

Some say It was closer to the great white than the mako. Some say mako is closer. The people who think the Great White is closer to the Megalodon gave it carcharodon and others who say not Carcharocles. So it could be Carcharodon megalodon or Carcharocles megalodon.

How big in a megalodon mouth?

Archeologists have recovered up to 7 inch long Megalodon tooth fossils.

Are Megalodon sharks bigger than dinosaurs?

I am assuming that "Carcairadon" refers to Carcharodon, as there is no such thing as Carcairadon.Megalodon and Carcharodon cannot be compared, largely because: a) Megalodon is a species of shark. Carcharodon is a genus of shark. A genus refers to a group of similar species.b) The Carcharodon genus contains just two species, Carcharodon carcharias (The Great White Shark) and Carcharodon megalodon, which is of course Megalodon.As for size, The Great White Shark can reach 6 metres (about 20 feet in length). Megalodon's size is disputed, but is generally thought to be at least 15 metres (50 feet).

When was the megalodon shark caught or discovered?

Megalodon sharks are only known from fossilized teeth. Even before the Renaissance, megalodon teeth had been found, but they were believed to be the petrified tongues of dragons or snakes. In 1667, Danish naturalist Nicolaus Steno, recognized that they were shark teeth. He revealed his findings in a book called The Head of a Shark Dissected.

Where does it live the megalodon?

The megalodon was extinct 18 to 1.5 million years ago and it lives in all the oceans apart from the Arctic and the Antarctic. fossils are found worldwide.

What does a megladon tooth look like?

Exactly like the tooth of the great white shark, only much larger. Some found in Mesozoic deposits are 6 inches (15 cm) across the bottom. They are both species of the Genus Carcharodon. The Great White is Carcharodon carcharias, and the extinct Mesozoic monster was Carcharodon megalodon.

What is the Megalodons favorite food?

Evidence suggest that Megalodon - Carcharodon megalodonpreyed on whales and large sea turtles.

Were megalodons real in the dinausour time?

Although there were sharks in the Mesozoic Era, Carcharodon megalodon was not one of them. C. megalodon lived during the Neogene Period, 40 million years after the dinosaurs went extinct.