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When an earthquake happens near an ocean the ocean can form a tsunami. Earthquakes result from seismic activity beneath the Earth's surface - sometimes terrestrial, sometimes submarine. Tsunamis occur most often along countries which border the Pacific "Rim of Fire", or "Ring of Fire'. One end of this region of high sesmic and volcanic activity begins at New Zealand, heading northwest to Indonesia (completely bypassing Australia) and then west to Papua New Guinea and Indonesia, northeast along the Asian coastline, east to North America and then south along the western North American coastline. Roughly horse-shoe shaped, the Ring of Fire extends about 40,000km long, and tsunamis can be generated anywhere along this rim.

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Q: When and where is a tsunami most likely to happen?
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When did the most frequent tsunami happen?


When does a tsunami happen most frequently?

well, tsunami's are caused by earthquakes and most earthquakes occur in the sea.

What is a tsunami and where are they likely to happen?

A tsunami is the result of an underwater earthquake. It's basically just a really, really big wave.

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What year did the japan eartquake and tsunami happen?

The most recent Tsunami to hit Japan was in March of 2011.

What would most likely be caused by A tsunami?

seafloor spreading

Where do tsunami's likely strike?

most likely in a place near the ocean like hawaii

Can a tsunami hit Utah?

Most likely not. It may be possible for there to be a localized tsunami if a landslide occurs in or enters a lake.

What is the most dangerous tsunami that has happen?

it was in INDIAN OCEAN it was a 9.3 earthquake.

Why do tsunmis most happen in the Pacific Ocean?

Tsunami's happen most around the Pacific ocean because that's where the worlds tectonic plates are situated, so when one shifts, it often results in a Tsunami...

When did a tsunami most recently happen?

the last tsunami that recently happent was Thursday 29, 2010 in the west coast of Alaska.

What changes are likely to happen when ocean waves meet with land?

It can cause a Tsunami a huge sea wave.