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Edward Gibbon (The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire) says that in spite of repeated uprisings, the Jews were treated with tolerance by the pagan emperors.

Under the reign of Constantine, Jews became the subjects of persecution and before long they experienced the bitterness of domestic tyranny. The civil immunities which they had been granted were gradually repealed by the Christian emperors. Lucrative modes of oppression were invented by the bishops and court eunuchs in the time of Constantine's son Constantius.

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Q: When and why did Jews become less tolerated by the Christians of Europe?
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Jews are not 'Christians' because if they were, they would be known as 'Christians', and not as 'Jews'. To put it in other words: As a 'Jew', the individual is, by definition, a 'Jew' and not a 'Christian'. Were that individual to become a 'Christian', he would then no longer be a 'Jew'. By the same token, my Aunt is not a bicycle, and my dogs are not watermelons.

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Did Constantine like the Jews?

A:Persecution of the Jews began under Constantine and his successor sons. As Christians, they barely tolerated the Jews, seemingly blaming them for the death of Jesus.

Many Jews and christians sailed across the ocean from Europe to settle in America?

Yes many did.

What impact did the crusaders have on Jewish population of Europe?

The Crusades were rising hostility to the Jews. More and More Christians believed that all non-Christians were their enemy. On their way to Palestine, some Crusaders massacred European Jews and continued the killing in Palestine. After the Crusades, Jews were expelled from England in 1290 and from France in 1306 and again in 1394. Many of these Jews moved to eastern Europe. Many Crusaders who stayed in Palestine came to respect Muslims, but Cristian tolerance toward Jews continued.