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Q: When approaching work related tasks is it good to talk cheerfully to people you meet or speak to people in the direct and found it matter?
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Is discussed about correct?

Prepositions. (e.g. at, about, for, from, to, with, etc)Prepositions in the English language are a matter of common usage, and it is not always easy to see a pattern.Even British English and American English sometimes differ on the customary preposition to use with a particular verb.In the case of expressions using verbs such as discuss, enter, marry, lack, resemble and approach, the verb is usually followed by a direct object, rather than by a preposition.So "We discussed about the matter." would be incorrect.The correct form is "We discussed the matter." ... and 'the matter' is the direct object.In a similar expression, but using the verb 'talk/speak', a preposition is added.i.e. "We talked/spoke about the matter." (NOT "We spoke the matter.")Of course, it is perfectly possible to 'have a discussion about a matter' but here the word 'discussion' is a noun, not a verb.------------------------------------------------------------------For more information about 'discussed' see Related links below.

Which of these is a matter of mechanics is it punctuation or capitalization or spelling?

Spelling is a matter of mechanics, as it relates to the correct arrangement of letters to form words. Punctuation and capitalization are more related to grammar and style.

What does the prefix fec mean?

The prefix "fec" means relating to waste or excrement. It is often used in scientific terms related to feces or fecal matter.

What is the indirect object in the following sentence Barbara baked you a cake?

The indirect object in the sentence is "you," as it is the recipient of the action of baking the cake.

What is the meaning of pertinent?

Pertinent means relevant or applicable to a particular matter or situation. It implies that something is directly related and contributes to the understanding or resolution of an issue.

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How is matter and time related?

Without matter there is nothing to measure the length of time that the matter existed and without time matted cannot exist as if it did it be measured as how long it existed for. No matter, no time.

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It is not matter of decision by management, direct cost is that cost which is directly related with the production and separately identifiable with production volume while indirect cost is that cost which is not directly related with production volume and not separately identifiable.

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Matter & Substances are related because a substance is a matter IGuess

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How do you make your children take their dishes to the sink?

Cheerfully: "No dessert until you clear the table!" And then, stick to it no matter what. If you give in, you may as well give up, because they will see your rules as useless and unenforced.

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Buoyancy is related to matter because it uses solids and liquids.

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The four states of matter are related by energy concentration.

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Matter & Substances are related because a substance is a matter IGuess ... of matter is not a substance because a matter may include many many substances.

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Ozone is matter.

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matter is not related to inertia. Mass is.

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