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Q: When can a child decide which parent to live with and the courts honor the decision in Florida?
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Is a 16 year old allowed to choose which parent to reside with?

The courts decide issues of child custody on the basis of the best interest of the child. If the courts have made the wrong decision you may petition them to change that decision.

Can a teenager decide how long to spend the summer vacation with a parent?

The teenager can decide just how long to spend the vacation with a parent, however if the parent disagrees then the decision can be reversed.

How does a 15 year old get to talk to the judge about which parent he wants to live with Florida?

Florida don't allow minors to decide which parent to live with.

How can a child choose which parents he wants to live with in wa?

depending on the age of the child, the courts may evaluate your situation in making a decision on which parent will maintain custodial status. If the parent to which you are interested in living with, your parent must also participate with the courts to make a final decision as to your residency and whom you reside with.

Can a parent loose parential rights if they leave the country?

That would be a decision of the courts and is dependent on the view of the judge.

If the mother is interfering with visitation by enrolling the children in activities how will the courts in Florida look at this?

The courts are REQUIRED by law to soley look after the interests of the child; not the parent(s). If the courts determine that it is in the best interests of the child to have access to you, they'll come down on the mother; if they decide it's in the best interests of the child to go to these activities then you'll lose. The child is the important one, not the warring parents.

Can you move in with other parent at age twelve in Ontario?

With the consent of the courts, then yes. You don't get to decide for yourself where you want to live until you're 18.

Can you have custody of your child that allows you to decide if the other parent gets to see him or not?

No you can not. The court will issue both a custody order and a visitation schedule and you must follow it. Courts do not give that power to one parent over the other.

Are adult children responsible to take over the house of a deceased parent?

Normally there is a will, stating who will inherit the house. Whoever inherits the house will be responsible for it. If there is no will, the courts will decide.

Can a 14-year-old try living with the other parent without having to go to court in Florida?

A 14 year old can't decide which parent to live with as a juvenile. That determination is made by the court. If everyone's okay with the decision, the court papers wouldn't necessarily have to be changed, though it would protect the parents. If, however, both parents are not amenable to the decision to move, a parent would have to petition the court for a change in custody orders.

Can Autistic children choose which parent they want to live with?

No. Autism gives no special power to select a custodial parent. If a decision must be made and it cannot be made with the consent and agreement of the parents then the court will decide.

How do the courts decide who the primary care giver is?

Courts typically decide who the primary caregiver is based on factors such as the amount of time each parent spends with the child, who handles their daily needs, who is more involved in their upbringing, and who has historically taken on the primary caregiving responsibilities. The best interests of the child are always the priority in these decisions.