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For most women the first sign of pregnancy is a missed menstrual period however some women experience pregnancy symptoms as early as 8-10 days past ovulation.

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Q: When can you see the sings of pregnancy after ovulation period?
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When should you take a pregnancy test after having inprotected sex?

It takes about 12-16 days after ovulation for hcg levels to get high enough for a pregnancy test to be positive. It's better to wait until you've missed your period and take a test or see a doctor.

Can you miss your period a month and then get it and still be pregnant?

Not unless you've had intercourse since your last period. (There is not a time frame provided in the question.) The body produces a hormone during pregnancy that stops ovulation from occurring so you will not have a true period if you are pregnant. Some bleeding during early pregnancy is common, but if it is heavy like a period you should be seen immediately. If you have taken a pregnancy test and it is positive, you will want to see a doctor as soon as possible to discuss your particular condition.

Can period continue in pregnancy?

No, menstruation cannot contrinue during pregnancy. Menstruation will only occur if the egg during ovulation is not fertilised. You cannot menstruate while pregnant, although you can bleed for a few reasons so if you do experience bleeding during menstruation you should see your doctor.

After using primoult n tablets my period got late then how can I know my ovulation?

Go see your Doctor.

When there is no period going on at that time pregnancy is possible?

If the woman has recently had sex and is no longer getting her period and has pregnancy-like symptoms, she should see a doctor to see if she is pregnant. It is definitely a possibility.

Miss my period 1 month next ovulation date?

You need to have a monthly cycle to track ovulation by dates, otherwise you need to learn other signs of ovulation like changes in cervical mucus. See info at link.

When sould you get tested to see if your pregnant?

It is best to wait to see if you actually GET your period. HCG (the hormone that home pregnancy tests pick up) isn't present in the urine until 7-10 day after ovulation/implantation. There are some tests that you can take 5 days prior to the day of your period, but are not as accurate. To get a true reading you should test the first day's urine, the day of or anfter your missed period.

Is it normal to have a heavy period during pregnancy?

No, see a doctor immediately

What if you have sypmtoms of pregnancy but get a false pregnancy test?

Wait a week and see if you get your period. If not, test again. If that one is negative and you still don't have your period, see a doctor for blood testing and an ultrasound. The only true way to see is an ultrasound!

How can I get pregnant ASAP?

Check your ovulation cycle (you can buy an at-home ovulation predictor kit at your local pharmacy). When you are predicted to ovulate, have sex around the time. Approximately 14 days later, take a pregnancy test to see you if you succeeded.

Can you use a ovulation test to find out if your pregnant or not?

No. An ovulation test only tells when you are ovulating and a pregnancy test only tests for pregnancy, not ovulation. The tests are designed to detect different hormones/chemicals in a female's urine

What could be wrong if you are cramping but not bleeding?

It's not unheard of for period like cramping to occur as early as 7-14 days before your period. However the cramping may be caused by a UTI, approaching period or even Ovulation. If the cramping is severe enough to require pain killers & your period doesn't arrive on time, then see your Doctor for a pregnancy blood test & also have a urine test performed for a UTI.