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The best time to use a grunt call is when you notice the bucks trailing after the does. It doesn't matter the time of day. Use your call sparingly and don't try to call one in from a mile away. There might be a buck 20 yards away that might get spooked by a lot of noise. If you get one to investigate the call, you are in good shape, as the buck means to run the intruder off. He wont stop looking until he either finds it, is satisfied it has left, he smells another doe or you shoot him.

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Q: When can you use a grunt call deer hunting?
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How do you stop a running deer I have been hunting for a few years and i use a shotgun. We hunt in a big fielded area and i always see deer run by but i can never get them to stop how do i?

you have to make a grunt dont just make an odd sound example: if you whistle they will run if you clap they will run if you have a grunt or bleat call use that because you will 90% of the time they will stop. if you dont have a grunt or bleat call go buy one I believe that a simple yell or a grunt sound that you make should stop a deer, I've had deer walk by me and I've used a grunt tube, just to see what they'd do, and they didn't even look, I did it three times and nothing ( and to three different deer). If you grab your grunt call and they stop, you would have time to shoot, they'll stop for a second, if they stop, then they will be gone!! so use your own vocals when there running by. good luck.

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To me, i am going to make a guess. I am guessing that the average ammount for hunting a deer with a bow, is about 10%. people use guns now a days.

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Will a military grade laser pointer scare deer when hunting?

No- But to my knowlege- it is against the law to use such a device when hunting.

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In most states, half an hour before sunrise to half an hour after sunset.

How do you use a deer call?

You whistle to it.

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One can use Deer Scent for help with hunting. They use the deer scent to coax a deer into coming near where they are. For this to work properly, one must be as scent free as possible, or the deer will smell the human as well.

What is the best deer hunting shotgun if money is no object?

The best deer hunting gun you can use Ceaser Garuni. That gun is all good and all but it is too expencive and so if you want a great gun and you don't want to waste money you need a Browning BPS Deer Hunter. deer hunting is boring go for birds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!