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Kittens usually have their first season around 6 months old, but sometimes can be as early as 4 months old. You'll notice certain traits such as meowing very loudly and often at all times of the day any night. This is called "calling", she's calling for a mate. A cat in heat will also become much more affectionate with everything she comes across and will often attempt to escape outside at every opportunity she sees in order to find a mate. Females cats in heat will also spray vertical surfaces with strong-smelling urine in the house in order to attract a mate.

If not spayed, a female cat will come into season at 15-21 day intervals, and each will last approximately 7-10 days. It is advisable to spay her as soon as possible as it will reduce the chance of health problems such as cancer.

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Approximately 5-6 months of age.

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Q: When cats come in heat for the first time?
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If by "period" you mean "do cats menstruate" like a human, then no, cats do not have periods. Cats and most other mammals come into season, or heat which is a time where the female will be at her most fertile and be ready to mate. Cats go into heat roughly every 3-4 weeks. Cats in particular do not have periods because they don't release an egg until after mating has occurred.

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Have them spayed. (fixed) The next time they are not in heat, get them spayed.Cats normally meowing all the time when they are in heat.

What are cat periods?

Cats do not menstruate like humans do. Cats and most other mammals come into season, or heat which is a time where the female will be at her most fertile and be ready to mate. A female cat will come into season at 15-21 day intervals, and each will last approximately 7-10 days.

Can you get your kitten neutered if shes in heat?

Male cats don't go into heat. Male cats can be neutered at any time. Female cats may also be spay at any time. If you suspect your female cat is pregnant, inform the veterinarian in advance.

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No they are just in heat all the time trust me I have been there and done that

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A cat having nine lives is just an old wives tale. Cats die only once

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How old will your cat be when she goes in heat?

Heat cycles can start as early as the fourth or fifth month of a kitten's life, but usually start around six months. Heat cycles will continue all her life until you spay her. A cat is usually in heat for a week or two, and will start again every two to three weeks.

How old does great Pyrenees come into heat the first time?

depends on the breed of dog and age. on average about once every six months.

Can cats get diarrhea from going outside for the first time?
