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Before modern feminine protection, pieces of ripped up fabric, cotton, or gauze was used to absorb menstrual blood.

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Q: When colonial girls got on their period what did they use to absorb the blood?
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Why do girls have to have their period every month?

girls have their period because the blood sheds from a nest that is building in your stomach that the baby will lay on when (or if) you have a baby. the blood sheds and comes out your vagina.

How is spotting different from menstrual period?

menstrual period is the monthly blood circulation of girls while spotting are the release of the blood when you are pregnant

Girls in diapers?

they're pads for soaking blood when she's on her period.

How girls got periods?

Girls have had periods since well, ever! A period is when blood is realised out of a girls vagina. That's it basically

Do girls always have a vaginal smell during their period?

YES BECAUSE ITS blood it stink blood do stank

How much blood is in a girls period?

It depends on how heavy the period is average is a few tea spoons of blood, it's only your womb lining shredding

What was the doll colonial to colonial girls?

no, because dolls have been used for a while now and with every generation or two, they have evolved to mach that time period even though most dolls were made out left over scraps, like corn husks, rags, and carved dried apples as heads. to colonial girls, dolls were not colonial especially if they did not know what colonial ment.

What color is a girls period?

RED coz when periods start blood comes out of your vagina! And blood is red right.

What is a tampon supposed to do?

The tampon is a means for handling a period. It is inserted in the vagina to absorb the blood. The one problem with them is if left too long without getting changed a bacterial infection may start that can lead to death. Young girls should not use them as well.

Why are women's periods blood?

Because the egg in "there" is surrounded by blood to protect it and when girls have their period, the blood is the blood protecting the egg and the egg is coming out with it for a new egg to come.

Why do girls wear panty liners?

So they don't get blood on their clothes during the menstrual period.