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When did american forces fightback for the attacks on pearl harbor?

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Q: When did American forces fightback for the attacks on Pearl Harbor?
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the attacks that the British lead against the American forces is that they seized the American ships and they kidnapped American sailors.

Where were the American first attack in world War 2?

While there were earlier attacks, such as the sinking of the gunboat Panay in China, the first full scale attack on US Forces was at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii on 7 Dec 1941.

What attacks did the British lead American forces?

Naruto km! Thanks

Who was in charge of the American forces at Pearl Harbor?

On the fateful morning of December 7, 1941, the commander of American naval forces at Pearl Harbor was Admiral Husband E. Kimmel. His army-counterpart in charge of the ground forces was Lieutenant General Walter C. Short.

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Pearl Harbor Invasion and occupation of Attu Invasion and occupation of Kiska However, none of these were wholly successful. The attack on Pearl Harbor occurred while the primary targets - the American aircraft carriers - were out to sea. Attu and Kiska were invaded in order to divert American forces from the Pacific Theatre. However, the US had already broken the Japanese naval codes, and was aware the attacks were only diversionary. Thus, no forces were diverted.

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the attack of Detroit, and the attacks failed when Americans refused to cross the Canadian border

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Fighting between British and Native American forces Pontiac's attacks on western forts Native American concerns about western expansion A. Pontiac's attacks on western forts

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The final phase of the American Revolution was characterized by guerrilla warfare aimed at wearing down the British Forces, American attacks on the frontier against combined Indian and British forces and major battles between opposing forces of Americans.

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Entry followed the Japanese attack on the US Fleet at Pearl Harbor on 7 December 1941.

Should the US have taken a more active approach in the war prior to attack on Pearl harbor?

No they should not have bombed pearl harbor. They really didn't have any reason. I mean we did even bomb them till they bombed us..

What were the axis forces faced by US forces in Pearl Harbor?

Japan bombed Pearl Harbor. That incited the USA to declare war on Japan and Germany.

When did cold harbor take place?

On May 31, 1864, Gen. Sheridan managed to occupy Old Cold Harbor, repulsing the Confederate's counter attacks. On June 3, 1864 the Union forces broke out an offensive against the opposite Confederate positions but they were repulsed with a loss of about 7000 dead and wounded.