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France has been using the Euro since it was established in 2002. Prior to that France used the French franc.

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Q: When did France start using francs?
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Do you still can use francs to purchase goods in France?

No, you can only use the euro now, les francs have no value anymore.

Who did the United States receive Louisiana from?

The US purchased the Louisiana Territory from Napolean (France) for about 68 million Francs.

Where can you exchange French Francs?

You can't. The franc is no longer legal tender in France. There were exceptions for some banknotes, which you could exchange at the Banque de France until February 2012. The governor of the Banque de France estimates that the francs not redeemed, and which retain value only as collectors items now, would have been worth a total value of 550 million euros.

How did the Us gain the Louisiana Purchase?

US gained the Louisiana Purchase by purchasing it for 50 million francs plus the US cancelled 18 million francs of France's debt. It averaged out to about 4 cents per acre.

Why did France demand that Germany repay their debts in foreign currency?

If a country is permitted to repay its debts in its own currency, they can simply print significant amounts of currency, leading to massive inflation in the short term, to satisfy the numerical quantity of the debt, but not pay it in real terms.Imagine it this way. France tells Germany that it must pay France 5 million Deutschmarks, which is worth 10 million Francs. Germany goes and simply prints out 5 million new Deutschmarks. Now, since there are so many new Deutschmarks, the value of those new Deutschmarks is now 3 million Francs. So, when France receives the money, it receives far less than expected. Conversely, since Germany cannot print more Francs, if payment is requested in Francs, it needs to actually provide currency or material which would be equivalent to 10 million Francs.